3 | Thoughtful gestures

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Chapter 3 - Thoughtful gestures

Ladybug's POV:

As I jumped from roof to roof I couldn't help but to think of the peace I was feeling. It was nice to finally be able to go around Paris and genuinely look around without having to look for any Villains.

I never got to feel this type of peace while I was in the middle of a battle.

Who knew jumping from roof to roof was so... relaxing?

I understand how spiderman feels.

As I was peacefully minding my business, soaring above the streets of Paris, I received a notification on my bug phone. I opened it only to see the message was from Chat Noir.

Why would Chat Noir be texting me at this time of the day? It's not even time for Patrol yet.

I looked at my map only to see Chat Noir's location was on. I decided to go and see what was up. I mean it could be important.

I quickly went to Chat's location and arrived 2 Minutes later. "Hey kitty cat, I got your message. What's up?" I ask inquisitively.

"Hey M'lady. You're just on time" Chat Noir smiled brightly.

On time? What am you on time for?

I thought I was supposed to be doing my homework?

"Umm on time for what?" I ask with confusion written all over my face

Without a warning, Chat Noir walked over to my side and covered my eyes. "Hold on tight, this is going to be a purretty fast ride." He chuckled mostly to himself.

I rolled my eyes at his little pun.

I could tell that he knew I was rolling my eyes. I mean I can be quite predictable around Chat.

I held onto Chat Noir as he took us to whatever he was planning for us to go.

"You can open your eyes now." The black cat spoke as he removed his hands from my face.

I opened my eyes and allowed them to adjust to the brightness before taking my surroundings.

I gasped as I saw the location he had just brought me to. He lead us to a rooftop with a perfect view of Paris. The Eiffel tower stood strong and tall in front of the building. "Chat, this is so beautiful."

I walked towards the edge of the rooftop and admired the view.

"Chat Noir you didn't have to bring me here," I smiled as I brought my attention back to the black cat in front of me.

"We never get time to hang out so I decided to bring you here so we could just chill." He smiled.

Have fun breaking the news to him.

How was I supposed to tell him that I couldn't stay out for long? I can't leave him just yet, he put so much effort into this.

I'm grateful that Chat Noir brought me here to this beautiful location but I know I have to go back home to finish my homework. I promised myself I would only stay out for 5 minutes.

I've already broken that promise to myself.

I decided to spend some time with him. I mean he has been waiting for a while.

I kept cautious of time. It may have been rude of me to keep looking down at my watch but I needed to go home as soon as I could. My parents would normally prepare a snack for me around this time and I don't think they would appreciate me sneaking out.

I'm not the best at making excuses after all. I would also have to explain how I got down a 3 story building and that's not a conversation I would like to have.

After 5 minutes of talking Chat Noir, I knew I desperately needed to go back home. If I was being honest, I didn't want to leave but I had to.

"Chat Noir?" I hesitated "I really appreciate you bringing me here but," I took a deep breath "I'm so sorry but I really have to get back home." I mumble making sure I didn't make eye contact with him. I didn't want to see his reaction.

Chat furrowed his eyebrows. "Already?" He asked.

"I'm so sorry Chat Noir. Today wasn't really the best day to meet up. Maybe we can hang out another day." I smiled innocently.

"Oh, don't worry about it." He smiled. Although his smile didn't reach his eyes.

"I'm so so sorry Chat. I really wanted to spent time with you but-"

"Don't worry about it M'lady I get it. You don't need to explain it. I just have some bad timing." Chat smiled assuring me not to worry.

"Thank you so much kitty cat. I'm so sorry that I had to leave so soon." I beamed as I quickly hugged him.

I quickly waved him goodbye and flew off into the early night sky.


Hey guys! Here is the first chapter in Ladybug's POV! I hope you enjoyed it. The chapters are beginning to gradually get longer. I have to admit, writing in first person is way easier than writing in third person. Hope you have a good day and see you in the next chapter.

- Miss Miah

Word count - 886 words


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