50 | Hospitalised

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Chapter 50 - Hospitalised

Gabriel's POV:

When I got the call that Adrien was in the hospital, I quickly dashed there.

I had no idea Electra-static hurt my son. I thought he was kept safe in his room, away from all of the disaster.

Seeing my son laying in a hospital made thoughts spiral around in my head. I should've made sure Adrien was far from harms way.

I should've protected him more.

Electra-static shouldn't have even been attacking Adrien.

I should've told her to stay away from him but I didn't.

She was my greatest akumatised villain yet but she hurt my son, making her dangerous.

I sighed as I looked at all the cuts and bruises on Adrien's face and arms.

I won't be able to get any modelling pictures of him when he's in this state. My reputation was on the line.

I had some collaborations I needed to do but now they will have to be done at a later time.

I looked at Adrien one last time before leaving the room and going beck to the mansion.

Adrien's POV

I woke up to the sound of a machine beeping. I slowly opened my eyes but closed them again because of the bright lights.

It was clear that I was not at home.

I began opening my eyes and blinked rapidly to adjust to the lighting.

Once my eyes adjusted to the bright lights, I took a moment to take in my surroundings. I was wearing a hospital outfit. My room was quite small with a few chairs in the corner of the room.

There was a tv on the wall, a small bathroom and some machines behind my bed.

My neck was aching from being in a bad position for a long time.

I then remembered Plagg.

Plagg! I completely forgot.

"Plagg? Are you there?" I asked. I looked around the room for a black creature. I saw he was laying next to me on the pillow.

I was praying that he was okay. We hadn't been an a battle that intense before. I'm hoping he wasn't too badly injured.

He didn't respond to my call. He was asleep.

Or I'm guessing he was asleep. I didn't know. We will stick with the option that he is sleeping because I don't want to imagine him in any other way.

He was my friend. The only one who could make me smile and entertain me when I was locked in the Mansion.

I needed him.

Just then I noticed a red kwami next to Plagg, cuddling him.


I still had ladybugs miraculous and I needed to give Marinette the earrings again.

Poor Tikki must have gone through a lot. Especially since Electra-static was going after Ladybug quite a lot.

Tikki may had taken some of the damage as well.

I smiled at the sight of the two kwamis in each others embrace and wished, I was in the same position with Marinette.

I desperately wanted to go and see her but I knew she needed time to rest. Her body had been under a lot of stress and needed the time to recover.

I was going to allow her to have as much time as she needed.

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