43 | Careless Actions

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Chapter 43 - Careless Actions

Chat Noir's POV

"Ladybug? Are you okay-"

I noticed she's was no longer looking well. Her eyes looked drowsy and she was slightly slowing down.

"Yeah, I'm completely fine-"

The next thing I knew, she tripped and fell down onto her arm, hitting her head on the ground.

"Ladybug!" I gasped.

"Aww looks like the bug has taken a fall." Static burst into fits of laughter. "She looks absolutely pathetic."


I quickly stopped running and went to Ladybugs side and quickly picked her up. She had gone unconscious.

"How you gonna fight me now kitty cat?" Static continued laughing.

I took the opportunity to use my staff and extended it hoping to hit Static but she dodged it last minute and instead threw a beam at the building I was standing on.

I quickly jumped off and began running away. I held my hand to my earpiece and spoke 'Guys we have a bit of a problem.'

I waited a few seconds before I heard Rena speak. 'What's the problem?'

'What happened?' I heard Viperion say.

'Ladybug's down-'

'WHAT!' Rena shouted, probably damaging all of our ears.

'What do you mean Ladybug's down?' There was a bit of uncertainty in Carapaces voice as he spoke.

'As in she's in my arms right now, unconscious'

'UNCONSCIOUS?' Rena shouted again.

'Yes Rena she's unconscious and could you do us all a favour and stop shouting? My ears are ringing.' I carefully asked. The last thing I wanted was for her to start shouting even louder.

'Oh sorry.' She lightly laughed. 'But what are we going to do now?

I went silent.

That was a good question. It's going to take all of us to defeat theses villains.

I'm usually not the one with the brains but for now I'm going to have to come up with an idea or else the rest of us will all be put at risk.

Just as I was lost in thought, my ears twitched signalling there was nearby movement and before I knew it, I saw a beam heading straight in my direction.

I tried to dodge it and move out of the way but since I was also supporting ladybug, my movement was slower than I had hoped.

Just as I was moving out the way, the beam hit my leg making me stumble and lose my balance.

I hissed in pain as I fell onto my back, making sure that Ladybug wouldn't get hurt in the process.

'Chat Noir? Are you okay?' Carapace asked.

"Haha looks like the cat is down too. You really made this easier for me haven't you." Static laughed as she began walking dangerously close toward me.

'Chat Noir?' Rena called out. 'Chat Noir can you hear us?'

I had only a few seconds to get myself out of this situation. I knew Static was either going to come for our miraculous' or she will throw her beams at me to make me unconscious as well. And only then will she capture our miraculous.

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