4 | Disappointments

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Chapter 4 - Disappointments

Marinette's POV:

Once I reached my house, I quickly de-transformed and continued with my homework.

My mind was racing at 100 mph making it hard for me to concentrate on the work set in front of me.

I felt bad for leaving Chat Noir once again but I had set myself priorities and hanging out with Chat was definitely not on that list.

I would have loved to spend some time socialising but my busy schedule makes that almost impossible.

"Tikki what should I do. I probably look like I'm pushing Chat Noir away." I sighed as I began ranting to my kwami.

"You aren't pushing him away, you just have a really busy life. That's all!" Tikki smiled trying to keep my spirits high.

"I know but I don't think Chat Noir knows. I do want to spend time hanging out with him but it's almost impossible with the amount of responsibility's I have." I sighed.

I was under so much stress. Not only do I have the responsibility of being ladybug, but I have to help my parents with the bakery and I need my grades need to be good.

I care so much for Chat and I don't want to disappoint him but its hard to live up to everyone's expectations and please them all the time.

"Why don't you just talk to him?" Tiki asked curiously.

"I want to but I just haven't found the right time to." I sighed deeply.

"You will figure it out Marinette. I know you will. You are a strong girl you can conquer anything if you set your mind to it." Tiki reassured me.

I could tell it was sometimes hard for Tikki to relate me but she always tried her best to comfort me. I am glad to have Tikki as my friend. I knew I could always go to Tikki for advice.

I can trust Tikki and Tikki could trust me.

Adrien's POV:

I quietly watched Ladybug go, not bothering to stop her.

She did have a busy life after all. I'm not sure why I thought this occasion would be different.

I guess I was just hoping I would be able to spend some quality time with her this time.

You didn't even ask if she was free, you literally just assumed she was. This one is on you.

My conscious is right. I need to remember Ladybug has a life of her own. 

After getting lost in my thoughts, I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and decided to go back to the mansion.

Once I returned back at mansion I de-transformed and plopped myself on my bed. Plagg immediately flew straight to the pile of Camembert and began eating it again.

I stared at the ceiling and began replaying the events that had just happened, in my head. "Love hurts." I sighed as I fiddled with my fingers.

"I would say I agree but I found my beautiful love, Camembert and unfortunately I can't relate to you." Plagg mumbled as he continued to stuff his mouth full.

I ignored Plagg's continuous Camembert references and continued ranting to the black kwami "Sometimes it feels like she's just pushing me away. Did I do something wrong?"

Plagg flew over to me to gave me his daily supply of wise words. "Don't overthink this Adrien, it's Ladybug she has a pretty busy life. If you are concerned about all this then why don't you talk to her?" Plagg asked proud of his advice, which he thought was great.

I sat up and took Plagg's words into consideration, "I would but I don't know what to say and I don't know when to tell her."

The black kwami sat on my shoulder and continued his short session of wise words. I could tell he was getting tired of hearing me rant about Ladybug but he also slightly cared. Whether he admits it or not.

"Don't you have anyone you could maybe ask for advice? Don't get me wrong my advice is purrretty great but maybe some human advice may help you." Plagg blurted out whilst he was deep in thought.

"Your right, but who could I possibly ask for advice?" I ask.

I sit on my bed and begin thinking. "If I'm going to ask people for advice then I'm going to have to go as Chat Noir."

I stood up and walked over to my computer and started listing out some possible people I could go to.

"I could speak to Nino!" I thought.

"Didn't you say he was going out with Alya today though?" Plagg spoke.

"Oh right, uhh okay so I can't go to either Nino or Alya." I spent some time thinking. "What about Ivan or even Max?"

"I'm pretty sure they are both going to be occupied as well." Plagg blabbered as he ate more cheese.

"Uhh maybe Chloe?"

Plagg dropped his Cheese and immediately turned to face Adrien. "You're really having a blonde moment here." Plagg shook his head in disapproval as he face palmed himself.

"Hey! What's wrong with blondes? "I asked offended.

You're so oblivious Adrien. You do know that right?

I am not oblivious. Right?

"Adrien I love you but you are seriously dumb. There is no way Chloe is gonna talk to Chat noir, she's still waiting for him to give her the bee miraculous." Plagg sighed. "What about baker girl?"

"You mean Marinette?" I ask.

"Yeah that girl. She makes some good bread. The perfect place to go and snack on delicious bread and cheese. Now that's what I call heaven." Plagg smiled in delight.

"I mean we could pop by the bakery and see if she's there." I said as I thought about my options.

"To the bakery we go." Plagg announced as he made the decision for me.

"Whatever you say plagg," I laugh. "Plagg claws out."


Hey Guys! sorry this chapter took soo long. We Finally Got Adrien's POV. I'm sorry, I know its not the best but I'm not great with writing in a Boy's perspective. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm going to try updating both this book and my other book. Don't forget to comment and vote if you enjoyed the chapter! Have a great day!

- Miss Miah

Word count - 1025 words


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