26 | Flirty texts

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Chapter 26 - Flirty texts

Adrien's POV

I was halfway through second lesson, when I was called to Mr Damocles office. He signed me off and I made my way to the car with Gorilla.

I was praying and hoping that the modelling wasn't going to take too long. I want to just take time to just relax.

If I had enough time between the modelling and the evening event then maybe I could transform into Chat Noir and text Mari for a bit.

I need to tell her that I won't be able to come tonight. I don't want her to just be left in the blue, she deserves to know.

As I arrived back at the mansion, I made my way to my room. I took out some clothing and my essentials that I could pack into a bag.

I needed to take some Camembert for Plagg as well as I knew he wouldn't be happy with me if I didn't get him some.

"Plagg, you better not finish the supply of Camembert I'm packing." I frowned at the kwami who was currently devouring his beloved cheese. "You do realise I can only pack a small amount right?"

"Do you want me to starve?" He sarcastically put his hand on his chest.

"No obviously I don't, but I can't carry an unlined supply of Camembert." I sighed at the kwami.

Till this day I don't understand what was so good about Camembert. As far as I'm concerned, it stinks. Really bad.

"That is absolutely illegal, cutting down my supply of cheese." Plagg dramatically crossed his arms.

"Unfortunately you are going to have to deal with it. Besides, it's only for a day." I shrugged.

"That doesn't make it any better. This is a critical situation we are in." Plagg frowned.

"You will be fine Plagg, stop being so dramatic." I chuckled at the kwami who was currently avoiding eye contact with me.

"I am not being dramatic."

"Of course your not." I sarcastically rolled my eyes. I got my phone and my bag and began making my way downstairs.

"Have you got all of your things Adrien?" Nathalie asked.

"Yes Nathalie."

"Give your bag to Gorilla then you can make your way into the car. We will be leaving shortly." Nathalie softly smiled at me.

I gave my bag to Gorilla and began making my way down to the car. Hopefully I will be able to catch some sleep on the way. If I was going to model, I needed all the energy I could get.

I closed my eyes and fell into a peaceful slumber. When I woke up, I saw we had arrived at he hotel. I overheard Nathalie saying we had 25 mins before we had to leave to get to my modelling shoot.

I opened the car door and got out of the car to stretch my muscles before making my way into the hotel. It certainly looked grand on the outside. I couldn't wait to see how it looked like on the inside as well.

As soon as I walked through the doors, I was immediately greeted by a gold and black themed interior. There were golden chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.

Black and golden sofas and stools were located in the main lounge, with long clear tables with golden rims. The walls were also painted black and gold.

Overall the interior gave off a modern vibe. Even the customers were dressed formally. You could tell that everyone here don't struggle financially.

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