41 | Villains Unite

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Chapter 41 - Villains Unite

Marinette's POV

I carefully and slowly opened the door, looking for any villains. They seemed to be on the other side as the explosion noises were quite faint so I took it as the opportunity to step out. Chat came out after me.

"As much as I would love to stay with you princess, your safety means everything to me. Static is after you and since its not safe above the ground, I'm going to have to hide you underground under this is all under control." Chat looked at me with a pained expression but a small smile made it's way to his lips.

"Okay. let's go." I smiled.

At least if he put me somewhere 'safe' he wouldn't worry about me anymore and I'll be able to transform back to get some more help.

There was an underground station close by so Chat quickly lead me to it and accompanied me down.

There were already civilians making their way inside with food, entertainment and other necessities but they all had terrified looks on their faces.

The situation was really bad so I don't blame them.

"I'll be back to collect you soon. And after all this is done we will finish what we started." He winked

I rolled my eyes at him, a smile tugging at my lips before my expression turned more serious. "Please be careful out there, I don't want you getting injured badly again."

"I'll try but I don't think these villains will make it easy for me." He shrugged.

I placed a kiss on his cheek before waving bye and made my way further into the underground station.

I waited 2 minutes for Chat to go back into action before running out and finding somewhere to transform.

"Tikki are you there?" I whisper shouted.

"Yes I'm here, I had to follow you." Tikki smiled.

"We've got a city to save." I nodded at her. "Tikki Spots on."

Ladybug's POV

I put my hand on my earpiece and began speaking. "Chat is everything good that side?" I asked.

"Just getting civilians to safety."

"I'm gonna go get our team so they can help us get the civilians to safety before we take on these villains. You okay to keep going alone?"


I let go of my ear-piece and threw my yo-yo up the the rooftops and flew into the air, landing on the tops of the buildings.

I needed to get to Master Fu's place as soon as I possible can before he leaves or before his place is destroyed.

I quickly ran, not paying attention to the buildings which had been set ablaze or the buildings that had collapsed.

My mind was focused on getting the team.

A couple minutes later I managed to make it to Master Fu's place and quickly made my way inside. "Master Fu!" I called out frantically, searching the room to see where he was.

He came out of another room oddly relaxed "I was waiting for your arrival Ladybug." he smiled at me. "Looks like Hawkmoth has gotten himself a powerful crew which means we need more heroes to defeat them."

He made his way over to the Miracle box and did the code to unlock the miraculous. "Choose your team wisely."

I nodded at him and drew my attention to the box. "I'm thinking getting Rena Rouge for distractions, carapace for protection and Viperion for second chance. At least if we fail we will get another chance to get it right."

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