14 | Fainted

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Chapter 14 - Fainted

Adrien's POV

I have one thing on my mind right now.

I need to get back to the mansion. I took a risky move deliberately hiding from Gorilla. If my father finds out that I'm not safe with him then he probably won't be too pleased.

He's already seen me being put in dangerous situations before, I really don't think he wants me to get into any more trouble.

As soon as ladybug departed, I began flying across the city looking for gorilla. as soon as I spotted him, I quickly de-transformed and made my way over to him.

I couldn't miss the look of relief when he saw I was okay and immediately got me into the car so we could go back to the mansion.

As soon as we arrived there, I went straight up to my room and plopped onto my bed. Something wasn't right. I had a gut feeling that something was going to go wrong soon enough.

I thought about the fight with Electra-girl. I'm certain there was more to her power than weakening people but I just couldn't wrap my head around it all. I really do hope ladybug is okay, She nearly got zapped first of all then Electra-girl struck really hard with her stick.

I was taken out of my thoughts when Nathalie entered my room. "Hello Adrien, your school sent you an email requesting for you to check your emails and complete any work that you may have been sent by your teachers. Your school has closed for the day, but you will be returning again tomorrow."

I sighed. "Thank you for telling me Nathalie." I smiled softly, kindly indicating her to leave. She got the hint as she nodded then soon left the room closing the door behind her.

I made my way to my computer and began working through any work I had to complete. After a while, I began getting bored of it.

I had taken a couple breaks from my work, one of them being because of dinner. But each time I came back to finish working, felt less motivated to do the work.

I had already completed the task Ms. Mendeleiev set for us and I was doing work about modelling but I lost the motivation to complete it.

I found myself longing to go outside to get some fresh air but to also be free.

"Plagg, it's time for the city of Paris to see their favourite black cat."

He flew out of the bag full of Camembert, "You know what to say."

"Plagg, claws out."

Sabine's POV

It's been 4 hours since I last spoke to Marinette. I finished preparing lunch for Marinette an hour after she went to her room to do her school work. I called her down for lunch but there was no response so I went up to her room in case she had her headphones on and couldn't hear me.

Once I got into her room, I saw that she wasn't at her desk but was in her bed asleep so I decided to allow her to rest for a while before waking her up to eat.

I even went to help Tom in the bakery and when I came to the kitchen for my break I saw that her lunch laid untouched.

I checked the time and saw it was 4.30pm and she still hadn't come down. So I made the decision to go wake her up .

Once again I entered her room and climbed up the ladder to her bed and softly began shaking her. "Marinette...Marinette honey, you need to wake up." But there was no response.

I tried multiple different methods to attempt to wake her up but none of them helped.

I sighed, giving up on waking her up and made my way out of her room. I'm just gonna have to wait for her to wake up on her own.

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