10 | Electra-girl

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Chapter 10 - Electra-girl

Marinette's POV

Chloe is so annoying.

Why does she always feel the need to pick on me?Whether it's with her words or her actions.

I've not done anything to her yet she treats me as if I'm a worthless piece of trash.

Sometimes I can tolerate the things she does to me but other times it stays fresh in my mind. I know I shouldn't listen to anything that Chloe says but sometimes it's hard. Especially when the things she says are really harsh.

She's disliked me for ages. Even since we were kids. She would make me doubt myself and question myself  about why I was being treated so poorly.

As I got older I just began to accept the fact that Chloe loves bullying me but sometimes the questions still ran around in my head.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of bed." I mumbled with a frown on my face. My arms were crossed as I watched Chloe waltz into the school, pushing numerous students out of the way.

She really still thinks she is queen bee when she isnt.


And she wonders why she isn't getting the Miraculous back.

"Come on girl lets face it, she always does." Alya laughed, causing me to join in.

She began asking me how my parents were and how I was doing.

A couple minutes later Alya made up one of the most silliest excuses just so she could leave.

And she left me. Alone. With Adrien.

Now I gotta hope I don't stutter cause that would be too embarrassing.

As soon as Alya dragged Nino away, into the school, Adrien began approaching me.

Stay calm, STAY calm

"Hey Marinette." He waved with a soft smile on his face.

"Oh umm hey Adrien." I waved back, giggling nervously as I put my hands behind my back. 

"Are you okay?" He asked softly. His green emerald eyes watching me intently as if he was trying to read me.

I shifted under his gaze. "Oh yea I'm good-" I stopped myself from continuing. I didn't want to stutter but I also didn't want to say what was on my mind.

I'm sure Adrien wouldn't want to listen to me rambling on anyways.

He looked at me with a hint of mischief written on his face "Soo I heard you were with Chat Noir last night..."

Oh great.

Wait how does he know? Don't tell me someone was following us.

"Oh yeah... he just umm took me out to uhh hang out. Yeah..." I nervously chuckled. Maybe Adrien might have seen us while we were going through the city.

Adrien's face lit up. "That's so cool, how was it?"

"It was uhh great, yeah. He is a nice person to be around. I had fun." I smiled remembering how well we bonded.

"You must be lucky to meet Chat Noir and hang out with him." He chuckled.

"I guess I am."

The bell rang, giving students the 5 minute warning to get to class. This gave us enough time to go to our lockers and get any last equipment before going to our classes.

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