29 | Static

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Chapter 29 - Static

Marinette's POV

I felt as if I was on a soft cushion covered by a beautiful warm, soft blanket.

Last time I remember, my bed was never this soft. I mean my blankets were warm and soft but my mattress sure wasn't this soft.

I finally opened my eyes to take in my surroundings. The light was blinding me so it took me a couple of minutes to adjust to the Lighting. I stretched my muscles and looked around the room then paused.

This isn't my room?

I looked around more and my eyes widened in realisation.

Hold on.

Why the hell am I in flipping ADRIEN'S ROOM!

I looked down at the bed and realised that I was in Adrien's bed.

I, Marinette Dupain Cheng. Was in Adrien Agreste's bed. Which is located in his room.

I almost screamed but then remembered that there are other people in this household and I would probably get in deep trouble if they found out I was here.

I don't even know why I'm here.

The last thing I remember was...was being outside?

Then it suddenly clicked.

I was struck by an Akumatised Villain...then I blacked out.

But it doesn't explain how I needed up here.

Tikki flew out of my purse and folded her arms. "You do realise we are in the middle of an akumatisation and you're here gaping at the fact you are in your ex crushes room. Get up and go help Chat Noir."

"Ex crush?" I asked confusion in my tone.

"Oh please Marinette. We both know you have a crush on Chat now so go and help him." She hurried me. She seemed agitated so maybe there was something important going on.

I decided to let the Chat crush thing slide, I could deal with that all later.

"Alright, let's go stop this villain." I nodded.

I took the covers off and went to the edge of the bed and stood up but immediately fell down to the ground.

"Are you okay Marinette?" Tikki asked.

"I'm fine but apparently my body is not." I began thinking back to my encounter with the villain and remembered that she struck me with the red beam which is the weakening beam.

"It's the villain! When she struck me, the beam immediately weakened me." My eyes widened. "Let's hope this doesn't affect Ladybug."

I called the transformation words and transformed into my alter ego.

Ladybugs POV

I carefully stood up and tested to see if i would fall but I was all clear. I quickly fixed the bed and made my way over to the window.

When this villain is defeated, I need to somehow make my way to the mansion before Chat does or else it will end up in disaster.

I'm going to have to act clueless about this all as well.

I flew out of the window and began making my way through the streets of Paris. I opened my bug phone and began tracking Chat's Location.

I think he could really use a helping paw.

Get it, paw.

Okay sorry.

I quickly made my way over to the scene. It looked like the villain had trapped Chat Noir leaving him with no escape.

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