12 | Endangered

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Chapter 12 - Endangered

Ladybug's POV

We found Electra-girl at the park, shamelessly firing electrical beams at the innocent citizens.

Chat Noir and I immediately jumped onto the scene ready to take action. "Leave the citizens alone Electra-girl." I commanded. Not only was she targeting Adults and teens, but children, toddlers and babies as well.

Like what did a baby do to you to make you get that angry? They literally can't even speak.

"Not you two again, I thought I already got rid of you." She scoffed as she stopped zapping the citizens and began flying closer towards us.

"What exactly did these people do to you?" I asked, getting my yo-yo ready to dodge the beams.

"You wanna know what they did? They hurt me. They hurt me, my family, everything close to me. They left me to suffer alone and did 1 person care? No. They all laughed at me. Now it's their turn to suffer the way I did. And I'm starting with you two." Anger was written across her face as she violently began charging toward us shooting out multiple beams toward us. We began dodging the beams, and trying to help the last couple citizens evacuate.

"Hey, what exactly did we do to you? It's not like we left you to suffer." Chat Noir frowned.

"Oh but you did. All those times you were out on your stupid patrols, I'd always call for your help and what did you do? YOU BOTH IGNORED ME. Now you can both suffer, worse then any of the citizens."

My eyebrows raised in question as I began trying to remember if I had ever heard anyone calling for help but then it stuck. "It was you calling for help?" I asked faintly.

"No way genius, you figured it out. It's too late now. I've had to survive on my own thanks to your pride. Now its your turn. I'd like to see you being in my shoes." Electra-girl scoffed. Hatred evident in the tone of her voice. "Let's see how you two survive this one." She laughed.

She suddenly stopped firing the beams at us and flew away. "Uhh where did she go?" Chat Noir asked.

Suddenly an army of Electra-girls came and began surrounding us. "Haha good luck finding out which one of us is me." Electra-girl spoke through some speakers.

Suddenly the Army of Electra-girls began firing out electrical beams as well. "You have got to be kidding me." I sighed.

"Hold on Ladybug." I held on tightly to Chat Noir as he extended his stick out and we flew to the closest roof away from the army.

Unfortunately Electra-girls army was bigger than we originally thought as more of her crew were able to jump onto the roof firing beams at us.

"This way." I leaded Chat Noir to a different rooftop attempting to get away. "We need to find Electra-girl and locate the Akuma as soon as we can."

"It's going to be almost impossible with her army here."

Chat Noir was right. As far as we know, Electra girl could be anywhere.

As we were running, I saw that Electra-girls army only had one staff while Electra-girl had 2. "Electra-girl has 2 black staffs, whereas her army only have one." I concluded.

Electra-girl laughed from behind us "That's right Ladybug, good observation." She immediately struck my neck with her staff then proceeded to kick my back causing me to fall over. "Aww looks like little Ladybug has taken a fall." She laughed ecstatically. She began flying away, releasing her army. One by one they began transforming back to their human selves.

"Ladybug! Are you okay?" Chat Noir asked looking visibly concerned. He knelt down and extended his arm out to help me stand up.

"Yeah I'm alright." I smiled as I rubbed the back of my neck. "I wonder what Electra-girl is up to now. Let's go and find her."

We began flying through the city looking for Electra-girl. There were no more electrical beams being shot and her army was no more. Just then an akuma came flying. "An akuma?" I quickly de-evilised the akuma allowing the butterfly to fly away quickly.

"Did she really give up that easily?" Chat Noir confusedly asked.

"I don't know kitty cat." I replied unsure of what had just happened. "Oh well, let's get rid of this mess, miraculous ladybug."

The ladybirds began clearing up all the damage returning Paris to its calm state once again.

I turned to face Chat Noir, "Pound it." We both fist pumped each other before putting our hands down and looking directly at each other.

"Chat Noir, I'm so sorry about yesterday, I don't mean to hurt you-"

"Ladybug, it's okay. You don't need to apologise. You did what you needed to do and I respect that." He smiled softly.

"Thank you Chat Noir," I gave him a quick hug. "See you again soon?"

"Yes see you soon."

I waved goodbye then flew back to my house and went straight to my room to detransform.

As soon as I had transformed back, I made my way downstairs to let my parents know I was okay. But for some odd reason, my neck was beginning to itch and I immediately began feeling sleepy.

Hawkmoth's POV

Those kids thought that would be the end of Electra-girl.

But they have no clue what's coming next...


Hey guys! You've been left on a A cliffhanger. What do you think Electra-girl was up to. And what plans does Hawkmoth have? Marinette has been struck. What could this mean? And what is going on with her neck? Keep reading to find out. Hope you guys enjoyed todays Chapter. Have a good day and see you in the next one.

- Miss Miah

Word count - 989 words

Not edited

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