20 | Short tempered

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Chapter 20 - Short tempered

Adrien's POV

I was beyond exhausted when I woke up the next morning. My alarm went off at exactly 6.30am cutting my sleep short.

I forced myself to get out of bed and started preparing for the day.

There were many times where I had to stay up, to do modelling so I was sort of used to the lack of sleep.

But that didn't mean I liked it.

I took a shower and chose an outfit for the day. I made my bed then head downstairs for breakfast.
Once I had finished, Nathalie gave me my schedule for the day before leaving me to get ready for school.

Unfortunately I had to model today from 4pm till 10pm. My dad was working on one of his big projects so my modelling hours have been doubled for the past few days.

I would need a lot of coffee to survive today.

As soon as Gorilla drove out of the house, I asked him to take us to the nearest coffee shop, I needed the extra coffee for the day.

Once I got my coffee, I was dropped off at school. I didn't need anyone to see how tired I actually was in case they called my Dad and told him. If he finds out then my phone and electronics would be locked and it would be harder to go out as Chat Noir.

So I had to be careful. I put on a fake smile before exiting the car and making my way over to Nino and Alya.

"Yooo, morning dude. What's up." Nino nodded once he saw me.

"Morning Nino. Ahh not much, you?" I asked as we did our bro handshake.

"Yeah yeah. This man is doing good." Nino smiled, full of energy.

I laughed at the energetic guy standing in front of me. It would be nice if I had that much energy myself.

I then turned to Alya and greeted her. "What's got him in a good mood?" I shrugged

She rolled her eyes and smiled. "I agreed to go on an ice cream date later and this boy is over the moon." She laughed.

I laughed along with Alya "Sounds a lot like Nino. You okay though?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm good although I haven't been able to speak to Marinette since yesterday's akumatisation. She's not read a single message that I sent her." She frowned.

That's weird. I thought that Marinette always told Alya everything. I wonder why she hasn't said anything yet.

Wait that must mean that she hasn't told her about how she fainted yesterday either.

Something for sure wasn't right but I doubt I'll even be able to go and see her today.

"That's weird, Marinette always talks to you about anything and everything." I frowned.

"I know, she's not even said anything to the other girls either."

So that must mean that Chat Noir was the only person she spoke to yesterday.

I feel honoured.

But now I need to figure out why? Why Chat Noir and not Alya? Sure Chat Noir and Marinette are good friends but are they close?

The warning bell rang but there was still no sign of Marinette.

To be fair I wouldn't be surprised if she is staying at home after everything that happened to her last night. She needs that extra bit of rest.

We all made our way to form and took our seats. Miss Bustier began taking attendance but there was still be sign of Marinette.

Regardless, Miss bustier began her lesson. She was talking about something to do with an environmental project but I wasn't paying attention because my mind was busy thinking about Marinette.

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