49 | War is over

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Chapter 49 - War is over

Chat Noir's POV

I began making my way back to the other heroes. I still couldn't believe Marinette was Ladybug. That all this time I was fighting alongside my princess. 

It made her even more beautiful and attractive.

I needed to finish and win this battle for her.

I need her to go to a hospital and get the care she needs but I can't with these villains running on the loose. 

Yes I was exhausted but I needed to finish this once and for all. 

I looked at the miraculous in my hands and sighed. Rena was the best person to trust them with. She's helped with countless battles and she does have the brains. I trust she will be able to restore Paris.

When I found Rena and Carapace, they were still battling Volpina. I immediately jumped onto the scene to help them. 

"Look who it is, if it isn't Chat Noir." Stormy smirked. 

"Are you here to join the party." Volpina smiled smugly. 

"Nope, I'm here to end it." A smile grew on my face. I made my way over to Rena and gave her the miraculous. "I believe you can do it. 

She nodded at me and quickly put it on. "Trixx, Tikki Unify." She called out.  Her orange fox suit now was now red with black spots. the rest of her outfit remained the same. The white patch in the middle was still there and her hair was the same but with a red ribbon. 

Without a warning, I charged toward Volpina and began doing combat with her. 

She didn't really have any dangerous weapons which made it dangerously easy to fight her. I easily took her necklace and crushed it in my hand. The akuma flew out and Rena or should I say Lady Rouge used the yoyo to purify the akuma into a white butterfly.

Volpina transformed back into a rather confused Lila.

"Lila, I don't mean to be rude but get away from here." I instructed her. She was confused for a second but saw Lady Rouge and Carapace fighting and took the hint. She quickly ran away for dear life. 

One villain down. Two more to go.

We all teamed up to get rid of stormy weather. She was using lightning against us but we dodged the lightening bolts. 

Carapace and Lady Rouge distracted Stormy and I immediately took the opportunity to grab her umbrella out of her hand and snapped it in half. The akuma flew out and once again Lady Rouge purified it.

Stormy transformed back to an confused Aurora. "It's okay. You had been akumatised but your okay now." I smiled and put my arm out so she could stand up.

"Thanks." She replied.

"It's not safe out here, we are in the middle of a battle so find somewhere safe to hide and we'll try our hardest to put an end to this." Lady Rouge smiled softly putting her hand comfortingly on Auroras shoulder. 

"Okay, thanks guys," She smiled one last time before leaving and disappearing out of sight.

Viperion suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"Okay guys since we are all together, this is it. We've got rid of the main villains."

" Minus Mayura and her sentimonsters." Lady Rouge added.

 "Its okay because we haven't encountered them and they aren't our main problem at the moment. We are one step closer to finishing this battle so lets give it all we got and teamwork is going to be needed." I pep talked the group.

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