6 | Unexpected moments

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Chapter 6 - Unexpected moments

Chat Noir's POV:

When I arrived at Marinette's house I didn't really know what to expect.

My plan was to just get some advice and talk about my current love situation. But as soon as I saw her, I just couldn't continue my conversation.

She looked Sad?

Normally Marinette was one of the brightest, happiest people around. Always lighting up the room with her bright smile and her clumsiness.

Her face was stained with tears. Her eyes were glossy and looked as if they were beginning to get puffy.

There is no way I could talk to her when she's obviously dealing with her own problems. And there was no way I was going to leave her here crying.

When she began spilling out her problems, I felt bad for her.

How could you be so ignorant? You go to the same school as her and yet you haven't seen her struggling.

I didn't realise she was going through a hard time. I was probably too focused on my own terrible life that I didn't pay attention to anyone else's.

I immediately pulled her in for a hug. I don't know why I did it but it seemed like she really needed one.

I understand how it feels not being able to speak to anyone about your problems.


It can get overwhelming having to deal with your situations alone.

Well, that's your life child. It probably won't change anytime soon.

I wasn't expecting her to hug me back but when she did it brought a smile to my face. Marinette is a good friend of mine, I wouldn't want her to be alone in her room crying to herself.

I don't want her to have the same lifestyle as me.

It gets depressing.

Once I managed to get her to calm down, I offered to take her out for ice cream. I didn't know if she had eaten anything but I also wanted to take the opportunity to cheer her up.

I couldn't just leave her here.

She could end up back in tears again.

I was relieved when she said she wanted to come. I was scared she was gonna say no. I don't know why I was so worried.

After we collected the ice cream I took Marinette to a rooftop so we could eat in peace.

The sun was setting in the background. The sky was a beautiful rosy pink and colour. It truly was a mesmerising sight.

We both sat in a comfortable silence, just enjoying our ice cream.

In the corner of my eye, I could see Marinette smiling softly to herself.

She looked so relaxed.

So peaceful.

I'm glad she wasn't upset anymore. It's nice to know that I managed to cheer her up.

After we finished our ice cream, Marinette turned towards me and spoke up.

"Thank you for all this Chat Noir. I really appreciate it." She smiled.

She has a beautiful smile.

"It was my pleasure Marinette" I nodded.

She frowned slightly as she went deep in thought. "When you first came to my balcony, you were saying something but you never got to finish saying it because of my whole drama." She turned to look at me. "What were you going to say?"

I looked down and sighed, "Don't worry about it. It's a conversation we can have another time. I just want to make sure you're alright." I smiled lightly.

I just know you are desperate to talk about your sad love life.

It just seemed wrong to talk about my problems when I'm supposed to he cheering Marinette up.

The thought of Ladybug avoiding me keeps circling around in my head but its not a main priority of mine right now.

Not anymore at least.

I spent some more time with Marinette just talking about random things and bringing up some of my terrible jokes in hopes of cheering her up.

I think it worked for once.

I think it did.

For once I didn't have someone rolling their eyes at my jokes. She did say they were terrible but she still laughed at them.

Progress I guess?

When it began getting colder, I decided to take Marinette home. I didn't want her to end up with a cold or anything.

She wasn't really wearing the best clothing for this temperature.

She still looked cute tho.

We soon arrived back at Marinette's balcony.

"I know I've said this so many times already but thank you so much Chat for tonight. Ladybug sure is lucky to have such an amazing partner." Marinette giggled.

"No problem, I enjoyed spending time with you. It's nice to see you feeline fine now" I winked.

She laughed at my pun.


"Goodnight kitty cat" She said as she hugged me goodbye.

"Goodnight purrincess." I smirked as I hugged her back.

I let go of her and waved goodbye before flying off into the cool night air.


Hey guys! Finally we have Chat Noir's POV. I hope you enjoyed this chapter from Chat's perspective. Hope you enjoyed this Marichat Chapter. Have a good day and see you in the next chapter.

- Miss Miah

word count - 871 words


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