Chapter Four

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Amira's mansion⬆⬆

Amira's POV

I walk tiredly to the bathroom going to get a shower as today will probably be a long ass day, Sunday's always are. I got into the shower as I was naked I kinda developed the habit of sleeping without clothes since I was pregnant and I guess I just stuck to just that, I know it's a bad habit but I'm trying I do sleep in clothes still only sometimes.

Turning the shower on I let it run cold so it would at least relax my body more and wake me up a bit. After my shower I brush my teeth and style my hair just in a simple ponytail walking out and head to my huge luxurious walk in closet, I will probably be running around a lot so I decided to go with comfortable because I always do. So I grab a grey sweater and blue skinny jeans.

I checked the time to see it was only ten thirty so I have 30 minutes until I have to wake Sage up to start his day

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I checked the time to see it was only ten thirty so I have 30 minutes until I have to wake Sage up to start his day.

I walk down stairs and to the kitchen getting myself coffee to give me some energy to make me feel alive as I literally felt I'm not up for anything today... Once I had my coffee I stepped out on the back porch of my mansion allowing the sunlight to grace my skin.

I was already sun kissed and a bit tan but whatever.

I finished off my coffee and headed back inside deciding to prepare something for Sage's breakfast which I just went ahead and prepare him dino nuggies with fruits and a cupcake with apple juice.

I know, He's just three years old but he eats a lot and I know he gets that from me. Even though he probably won't eat most of it anyways but I like to know he's full whenever he eats in the morning, after all breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

I walk up the stairs and to my baby's room door, I pushed it open slowly as he was still asleep I was gonna wake him anyways but I never want to be too harsh.

Once I got in I sat on his bed, slowly stroking his hair and he sighs. "Sage? Baby will you get up for me?" I ask going to kiss his head shaking him gently "Mommy?" he asked and I hummed kissing his head as he stirs awake. "Good morning baby" I say and he sat up rubbing his tiny hands over his eyes "good morning Mina" he says cutely making me smile both him and Liam is always coming up with these weird nicknames but I'm not complaining.

"Alright champ, the plan is a bath, breakfast then we'll go to the park and meet up with aunt Lexi okay" I tell him "okay" he says nodding happily jumping off the bed and running to the bathroom.

I got up smiling at how much energy he as even when he had just woken up. After I run his bath and he spent some time enjoying it I got him out wrapping him in a towel and going to brush his teeth even though he would protest against me doing that but I'll do it anyways. I style his messy curly hair and lift him in my arms walking out into his bedroom.

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