Chapter Fourteen

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Amira's POV

Sighing for like the millionth time since morning I was trying not to pace as my best friend was literally cracking up about my frustrated state. It was only about 9:30am and Sage was having his breakfast while I was overthinking about how is it that I'm going to tell him that his father wanted to see him.

This is terrifying an absolute horrible feeling. I never once thought that this would've happened and now that it has, I have no way of dealing with it. This whole thing is so overwhelming and I just wanted to scream, why couldn't he just stay in Italy and forget about me, I never asked for any of this so why does this have to be happening.

Should I not tell him and just wait until Mason shows up I introduce them? Should I tell him that his father who he has never met showed up out of no where and wants to meet him?

I do have to remember that he's only three years old but Sage is a smart kid and it is only right he has a say in what is about to happen only hours from now after all it's his life.I took a seat at the island and took a sip out of my coffee before I heard a cackle which made me look up at Lexi confused, this is a serious matter and she's here laughing.

I didn't pay her any mind and went back to drinking my coffee. This is stupid why must I stress about this? I shouldn't even be doing this right now all there is to be done is simply tell Sage that Mason wants to meet him it's not that hard right?

Sighing once more I look to see that he has finished his breakfast thankfully he's getting better and is eating though he only ate fruits and half of a pb&j sandwich with a cup of milk. He was now smiling at something Lexi was saying and I roll my eyes when she smirked at me, "I've got to get to work now boss, I'll call later and I need details" she says winking at me before kissing Sage's head and he waved at her.

I got up cleaning Sage's hands and his mouth even though he was still ough to go get a bath. I took the dishes to the dish washer and clean the island before taking him down from his place at the island, and yes he was sitting on the stool which we had to get adjusted to his height since he claims to be a big boy and wants to do big boy stuff.

"Ready for a bath?" I ask and he nods holding my hand and walking a head of me going upstairs. Sage is a quiet kid unless he's comfortable, but we're home so he should be and he has been awfully quiet since morning which tells me that something was obviously bothering him.

Shaking the thoughts away as we reached his room he went ahead to the bathroom and I walk to his closet getting his clothes and setting them on his bed before walking to the bathroom. The tub was filling up and he was sitting on the floor playing with a red car.

"Come on baby let's give you bath" I say softly and he stood up going to take his clothes off which I helped him with before putting him in the tub and started to wash him. Now, usually bath time for Sage was all splashing and excitement but there was none of that today and I can't decipher whether or not I'm being worried for nothing or it's just because he's not feeling well.

I got his towel and wrap him in it before letting the tub drain. I walk him to the sink and brush his teeth which he didn't protest against and once I was done with that I finally decided it was enough. "What's wrong buddy?" I ask looking at him and he held his head down shaking his head from side to side. "Sage, you're making me worry please tell me what's bothering you " I say really wanting to know what's going on in his head, "why was daddy here mommy?" he ask taking me by surprise making me blink multiple times trying to focus on what my son just ask " do you know he's your dad Sage? I never said he was" I say and he looks up at me "you said my daddy's name is Mason and you said that yesterday also" he says now looking confused and as if he was trying to make sense of everything.

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