chapter thirty-four

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Amira's POV

Today will for sure be an eventfull day, I am to go get the pictures from the photographer of Sage's party from two weeks ago I had to get them framed and whatever plus I hadn't got the time to go do it since but I'm free to. Then I'm gonna take sage to the park and meet with Lexi as always because obviously she's got tea for us to sip.

However, something has been going on both with me and Mason. Since two days ago I've started getting sick in the mornings then I'll be fine during the rest of the day and it's like I'm a superhuman for some reason all my sense have enhanced and I feel tired all the time not to mention my weird ass cravings but that's for another day.

The whole Mason situation is more serious, He has been all over the place as if the end of the world is coming. He has gotten us more security not to mention he fucking bought a whole ass mansion and now we're in the process of moving. All this is going on and the only thing he's told me is that it's for our safety. What I don't understand is why we even need be safe, I mean are we in danger or is someone after us I don't know but at least I get to still go places with him not breathing down my back even though we still have to have a million bodyguards for ever trip we take out of here.

“Sage!! Are you ready to go?” I ask from the living room while getting my stuff ready to leave. “yes mommy” he says running towards me with his little backpack on his back and his iPod in his hands.

I smile at him getting my shoe on before taking his hand in mine and walking out to the door and closing it behind me. There was some people here packing our stuff and Mason said he had some business this morning so he had left after warning the guards so stay on guard I seriously can't deal with all this stupidity but it's whatever.

“Good morning ma'am, where are you heading?” one of the new guards ask smiling at me and I politely returned it “first to east park then to Frederick's photo studio” I inform him and he nods  getting the car door open to one of the many GMC cars that's parked out here. Mason has some serious overprotective issues I should've declined him when he told me he was getting me five more bodyguard which are fucking harmed might I say as if Nick and Jared following me around wasn't enough. I got Sage in strapping him in the car seat before I got in myself and we soon were on the way to the park.

Sage was jumping with excitement so as soon as we got there I waited for Nick to tell me if it was Safe before we got out. I got Sage from his car seat and he hurriedly run off to a waiting Lexi happily while I followed behind.

Once I got over to her I kiss her cheek greeting her as she was busy showering my little guy with kisses of her own. “mommy can I go play?” he ask and I nod as an answer before Lexi let him down and he runs off to go play with the other kids.

I sigh leaning back on the wooden bench enjoying the cool air that was passing by and the bright sun that was touching my skin through the trees it is absolutely nice out here today and I'm really enjoying this.

“so, how's everything been going?” Lexi ask breaking whatever silence was between us and I sat up looking at her. “you know same old, an energetic son and an overprotective boyfriend even I'm giving myself stress with all the changes of behavior in my body since lately, how about you?” I ask as if we were simply speaking about the weather. “ I mean besides the interesting fact that I finally signed a Dom/sub contract my life is pretty much the usual” she states “hmm that's nice...wait what!?” I ask shoting up to look at her with my jaws to the floor and she went blood red blushing and looking down.

“who? Is it Enrique? I know you two had it out for each other...” I say smiling and poking her side making her giggle “stop Mira it's not Enrique we're friends literally, I mean the guy is hot as fuck but he's not into anything but any one who want to give it up once and forget about it” she says harshly before looking back at me with a smile which made me even more curious and it was eating at my insides I needed to know who.

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