Chapter Ten

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Amira's POV

"Bye baby I love you" I yell as he waved running off to some other kids. I drove off with Jared driving in front of me like an escort as we headed to my work place.

I'm not even gonna lie and say I wanted to come here today because I didn't. I really love my work but I enjoyed the days off that I had and most importantly the time I got to spend with Sage was amazing. We would always go to the park on Sunday's along with Lexi but yesterday I rented a mini amusement park and he invited his friends and we had so much fun for the first time in forever I really felt at peace.

On Saturday I hired another maid so now instead of me having to waste time on cleaning I could spend the day with Sage as I will no longer be working on Saturday's.

This past week has been a whole reality check and I'm really happy to have changed so many things before it was any later than it already is.

We soon pulled into the parking lot and I parked getting out the car and locking it behind me Jared walked me to the door and got it open and I went in after thanking him. Lexi rushed to me as I was walking to the elevator. "I'll be off okay but I'll call you later" she says hurriedly before kissing my cheek and rushing out the door, this girl I thought I was the one who can't keep still.

I sigh shaking my head at her childish ways, she must be off to go hump someone. I walk to my elevator and heading up to my office, I quickly greeted Rachel and Allow her give me a run down on what I have to do today and thoughtfully a cup of coffee to go right along with it.

A long talk after I entered my office to be greeted by a stock of paper and I groan walking to it lazily....Now I know why I hate taking time off... I set my bags down shrugging off my jacket and took my seat at my desk, while I turned the computer on and allow it to power up I grab the first file from the pile and started reading through it once I signed it I set it aside and continued to the next.


I moan pleased at the burst of taste in my mouth from me eating my lunch, there's nothing like chicken and bacon carbonara with cheesy baked potatoes and coffee. Though I'd really enjoy some red wine but I guess this works too.

I would've normally waited for Sage to get here so we can have lunch together but I was behind on time this morning he was almost late for school so I didn't have time to eat breakfast and I was super hungry.

Today is such a tiring day for me and I swear beside my holidays I don't think I will be not coming to work anymore. There was so much work just after five days and I if not for my adrenaline my body probably would have given in by now.

Though it was so great to have the time to think and get my head cleared, which I did thankfully. Honestly I don't want to stress about stupid things anymore because I have responsibilities and I need to focus on just that, over thinking and being frustrated with thoughts is not helping me and it's certainly not helping my personal or professional life.

I got finish with eating, checking the time to see it's only 12:30 so I ought to get back to work and await Sage's arrival. Getting my desk cleaned I throw what was to be thrown away and cleaned my hands being starting at another stack of papers that are to be signed and sent to their respective departments. Work is so boring, I mean it's fun sometimes because I like my job but damn.

I was almost at the middle of the stack of papers before my phone started ringing and I swear to god if it's Lexi. She always leaves her car here and have her date pick her up and when it goes bad or the poor man doesn't look like her standard knight in shining armor she ditches them and call me to come get her, but not today I'm not. I grab my phone from the table only to see it was an unknown number. I wasn't really into this shit with people calling my personal number but this could week be an emergency so I cautiously answer.

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