chapter forty-one

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Mason's POV

“Sì mamma, I'sarò sicuro di chiamarti” I say sighing at my mother's worried state I have no idea what has gotten into her (yes mother, I'll be sure to call you) “ti assicuri che vada bene?” she ask and I nod even though she couldn't see me (you make sure okay?) “Certo, ora ciao ti amo” I tell her hoping to get on with my day (of course, now bye I love you) “Ti amo anch'io” she says and I ended the call (love you too).

Putting my phone away I couldn't help but wonder how the hell she found out that I was in the hospital, but then again I haven't spoken to her for weeks of course I expected to be on my ass. I really miss her and for some reason talking to her just now made me feel anxious to see her or is it just the fact that her presence makes me comfortable.... Hmm... Either that's mother's for you.

I look out the window of the car once more taking in a deep breath and relaxing. I've been waiting for this day since my eyes open from that coma and it's finally here. It doesn't look like much has change but that ball sack of an old man must know nothing so probably it'll be the same just as expected which is better for everybody might I add.

I want this dramatic situation over once and for all. I gonna go in there and put a fucking bullet in his head take back what's mine and have his son come get his body out a ditch. I'm tired tof play cat and dog with this hog and now he has nothing on me I might as well end him and end this fucking horrible ball game.

Sighing I checked my gun before getting the door open and stepping out as did my guards and William who decided to come along because he couldn't get enough to violence. But today is a beautiful day and I was certainly not in the mood to have a conversation I've done enough talking with this man since he first called my phone and I've had enough. I'm not here to be polite neither am I here to make first I want to see him bleed from what he did and I won't be satisfied unless I witness his lifestyle body in a pool of his own blood. He really wanted to go off kidnapping and threatening my family, but that's where I drew the line that my crazy was on the otherside of and he crossed it now he has a fucking psychopath to deal with and it's all on him.

I look at all my men and nod tucking my gun in my waist before fixing my suit jacket. “come on, I want to get this over with” I say and started the walk to the huge glass doors at the entrance with everyone following behind me. I'm gonna get this done and head back home to my family, I don't need this prick taking up my time more than he already have.

I push the door open and walk in to all gasps and stares everyone looking at me shocked for whatever reason, I just know that dick head told them some bullshit as to why he was here because ain't no fucking police came here to prove that I was dead so he took over my business. Also I thought these fuckers were smart but I mean the dumber the earlier he didn't even let me chase him, I bet he's all comfy in my office acting like he owns the place now.

“listen up!” I say loudly as all the whispers went quiet and I looked around at everyone. “whatever you people were told was temporary, I don't know what has changed around this place but I want everything back to normal this minute, anyone fail to understand my orders feel free to pack your shit and leave, now everyone back to work” I order and they all started running around and I inhale deeply feeling the aura this this place changed immediately.

Now for the better part, I walk to the elevator which the others followed and we all took both the elevators going straight to the top floor. It was so quiet and it got me wondering if this silence was from fear or adoration either way I really like it. It gives me a sense of power and I enjoy it, having nothing but the haunting silence to consume my dark thoughts.

The elevator ding open and we got off walking down the hall going to my office. My secretary saw us and shot up from her seat looking at me at picking at her nails which annoyed me. “stop doing that will you” I say and she drops her hands to her side “what the hell happened here?” I ask putting my hands in my pocket waiting for an explanation.

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