chapter thirty-five

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Mason's POV

I got home and hour ago and I've been calling Amira's phone since but she's not picking up my calls I mean she told me she had errands to run but it's almost fucking 6pm and she should be home by now she should even be able to pick my calls unless the worst as happened but I don't want to jump to conclusion too quickly.

I had even given Alexis a call and she told me she had felt the park just around 3:30pm and I'm sure she doesn't need over two hours to pick up some oversized photographs and get home. This is all just stressing me out and with everything that's been going on it's just giving me an high level of anxiety and panic.

As I was walking back and forth the almost empty living room, I heard the door open and stop in my tracks rushing there without as much as a second though. As I got around the corner I'm faced with one of my men Ace who looked to be scared and I just wanted to snap his neck for wasting my time. "speak!" I yell causing him to cower holding his head down "capo, I don't know what happened but we have reasons to believe the they've been taken" he says lowly and I took a deep breath not knowing if I heard right what he just said to me. "what? What do you mean taken?" I asked feeling my anger radiate throughout my whole body harshly.

"she asked us to take the things to the car boss, when we went back inside they were both gone without a trace and that Frederick guy was knocked out" he says and I couldn't control myself as I scream in anger punching the wall making a hole out of it as I grip my hair frustratedly and started pacing once more, I was burning up and I felt like my whole body started itching to see nothing but blood. How fucking dear they go near them? I swear if as much as a hair on their head is hurt I'm having their heads.

"get me Enrique and William right now, I don't give a fuck if they're in another dimension, and I need people back at the that place check every single in, out and around the entire premises" I say barking orders at him angrily "right away capo" he says before rushing out.

I fucking tried my best to prevent this stupidity from happening but as they say, when one is planning the other is wiping but now the fucking tables have turned. I should strip her guard of the right to even breathe they had a job and they couldn't even do that right. Everthing was literally turning red, It has been years since I felt this much rage and these motherfucker had to jump start my fury they did fucking wrong for taking them and I will make them pay.


"fuck all of that, I know it's him find me a fucking address dammit " I say irritated by everything already and for fucks sake it's been almost two hours and they are wasting my time. I have a feeling these people know that I'm the leader of the largest mafia in Europe and now America stupid good for nothing worthless rats.

They clearly want something from Amira but how stupid can they be? This Liam nerd should use his brain, I almost killed him for simply asking her out what the fuck does he expect me to do when he went as far as to kidnapped her and not only did they do that they took my son too. Now I don't even feel like killing him anymore I want to break his bones one by one in every joint then reset them and break them all over again. I thought him being a fake ass doctor would've thought him something but apparently not he's just as stupid as he looks and once I lay my hands on him I'm going to peal the skin from his body and make him beg for me to end it.

"Capo, I've got a video but the car doesn't got a license plate" one of the men said turning the laptop showing me the screen. A masked man got them both into the car and they drove off down the ally way. "I need people finding out where that shit leads to" I say and he nods turning the laptop back around "what have we got on her phone?" I ask Enrique and he looks up at me "I think it's broken though I'm still trying to get something from it" he says and I nod.

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