chapter thirty

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Amira's POV

*Two months later*

I sigh sitting down at the island tiredly, it's only  8:30am and I'm already frustrated. I could just tell it's going to be a long day and I'm so not ready for it.

Today is Sage's fourth birthday and I already planned everything and it all is to start getting set up at 10 so I was up early trying to do what I could to get a early start on my day that way I wouldn't be stressed but guess what, I am. I'm stressed the fuck out and I'm irritated by all of this. I love Sage but maybe I should just get someone to do all this while I rest for some more hours.

I stood up quickly pulling my long ass hair into a messy pile the best I could manage to do, I should really get an haircut I don't know why I left it to grow this much. I got a bowl and got the milk from the fridge setting it on the island with a spoon before I open the cupboard and stood there analyzing how to get the cereal from inside.

Just as I was about to climb up I'm being lifted off the ground and I squeal a bit startled “good morning Micetta” his sexy voice said sending shivers down my spine and awakening all the butterflies in my stomach. “good morning ” I whisper out flustered and he sets me on my feet before pecking my lips, “what were you doing climbing up there?” he asks and I slowly pointed to the multiple cereal boxes and he smiles easily getting my favorite frosted flakes and handed it to me “thank you” I say and he smiled then kiss my head.

I poured some milk into the bowl then got my cereal in, Yes I put milk first it doesn't matter they're both going to my stomach either way. I sat there and ate while Mason walked around the kitchen grabbing stuff to make breakfast now I feel sad that I ate cereal I'd be too full to eat his delicious cooking.

He made waffles and eggs then cut some fruits with orange juice and I realized he was doing this for Sage when he used honey to write happy birthday on a dish with whipped cream and cherries. It was so pretty I wanted to eat it, I checked the time to see it was 9:05am so I decided to go get Sage up so he could start his day and I could prepare myself for when the persons get here to decorate.

I walk upstairs and quietly push Sage's room door open and walked in. He was cuddled up in his favorite fluffy blue blanket so I slowly sat next to him and started soothing his hair. “Sage? Baby will you wake up for me” I say shaking him gently as to not startled him “come on little guy I need you to wake up now” I say and he groans turning on his front side then cuddle my up to my leg and I awed at his cuteness. I really didn't want to wake him up, today's his day he should be able to sleep in but if I don't wake him he won't get a proper start on his day then he'll be grumpy.

I did my best to pull him onto my lap and once I did I started raining kissing on his face until he started giggling. “hmm, did you want kisses to wake you up?” I ask and he nods “good morning Mommy ” he says happily “good morning my baby” I tell him pecking his cheek once more “your dad made you breakfast you want go down and eat then have a bath?” I ask and instead of him answering me he got off my lap and ran out the room.

I shake my head laughing at him before getting to my feet and walking to mine and Mason's room. Going to the bathroom I brush my teeth and did my usual skin care before using the rest of my time to brush my hair free of any tangle then putting it into a ponytail. I quickly got a change of clothes which I just chose to wear Mason's t-shirt and a jean shorts as that's the first thing I found and it was already past 10am everyone should be here by now.

I grab my phone rushing out the room and down the stairs hurriedly as I heard some talking in the living area. I was about going there when I went face first into someone and lost balance, I waited for the impact of falling but it never came “hey... why the rush?” he ask moving a lose strand of hair away from my face “I need to get everything started, where's Sage? I don't want him running around, please will you watch him until 12 that's when the kids should start arriving and I need them to-” I was saying and he started chuckling making me pout looking up at him “calm down okay no one is in a haste” he says and I nod “don't worry I'll keep Sage out your way” he says kissing my head “thank you” I whisper pecking his lips and we walk to the living room.

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