Chapter Twenty-Two

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Amira's POV

"You give that back" I whisper yelled at Mason as he stood in front of me holding my snack in the air. "It's too early for you to be eating this, just have an apple " he says and I cross my hand over my chest childishly "it's only 3am" I complain pouting at him "exactly why you shouldn't have this" he tells me shaking my bag of chips.

I mumbled walking around him heading to the refrigerator and getting a soda. I was about to open it before it was snatched from my hands making me look up at Mason angrily. "What is your problem!?" I ask raising my voice a bit before taking a deep breath. He set my drink back in the fridge and gives me a bottle of water, "come on, have a seat" he says leading me to the island and before I know it I was being placed on it. "Now..." he says standing between my leg and looking into my eyes "...I'll get you an healthy snack, if you don't want it we could go back to bed" he suggested but I am really hungry so I just sadly nod and he understood what I wanted from just that.

He walked back to the fridge and I watched him as he got some fruits. He washed them and sliced them putting them into a bowl which he gave to me before getting me a fork. I sat there and ate in somewhat of silence as Mason was walking back and forth looking at his phone. Now, I don't know if he has a problem with sitting still because I'm sure he was the one who said 'we should take a break from work' Now see this is like the fourth time I've seen him either pacing or yelling at someone in Italian, whatever I guess I could allow it besides being a CEO is something you can hardly get a break from.

I finished with my fruits and down half the bottle of water. I was ought to get off the counter before he stopped me "hey, I'll take that time" he say smiling and I roll my eyes at him. I don't know why he acts like I'm a child I can literally do things on my own but Mason fails to believe that.

He was putting the dish away after washing it and he looked so hot for some reason. There was everything in and on him that I want and need, there's nothing that'll make me not want to just eat him up every chance I get. I mean who wouldn't want to he's literally the most perfect being, of course he gets on my nerves sometimes but he's so sweet and he is like Italy's gift to the world or more like a gift to me. Mason has issues and let's be honest we all do, I still sort of hate him for leaving me back then but I understand his perspective. So besides that he has no flaws he is quintessential and absolutely faultless at least in my eyes he is.

"I like when you look at me like that" he says with a sexy smirk on his face while I look away blushing. "Hmm... You aren't sleepy are you?" he ask and I shake my head saying no, "okay...come with me" he says taking my hand as I got off the island and following him. He opens the slide door and allowed me to walk ahead of him, he lead me to a sort of balcony with lounge chairs. It's pretty cold out here but what did I expect when I was only wearing satin pajamas shorts and a cropped shirt.

Mason took a seat on the chair and I went to stand at the railing looking up at the moon that was naturally lighting up everywhere. The sound of the beach waves in the far distance was honestly calming and it actually relaxed my mind clearing my head of any thoughts for a minute as I just stood there and allow myself to feel the cold air brushing over my skin causing goose bump, while my hair went wild with the heavy breeze. If I could stay with this feeling forever best believe I would never want to feel anything else.

"Come here " Mason says and I turn to see him sitting there only in a t-shirt now and holding his hoodie in his hand. I walk to him sitting just between his legs and he put his hoodie on me but I complained, "it's very cold out here, you're gonna get sick" I tell him with a pout as I know this by heart, I don't know what's the deal with both him and Sage they are literally sensitive to everything. If they get too cold they get sick, when the temperature drops they get sick all I know is that I have two babies dealing with and I'd rather him not getting sick when we're on a freaking vacation.

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