Chapter Twelve

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Amira's POV

It's only 6am and I've been up since like forever, Sage hasn't been feeling well he has a fever and has been vomiting. He only went to sleep at five and even though I'm very much tired I couldn't sleep because of me overthinking and stressing about everything that happened yesterday. Not only did I lie about my feelings towards him but he still don't know half of what happened after he left. Though I don't feel bad about not being truthful it still is tormenting me, I don't know how I'll go about him not knowing everything and knowing Mason he'll not stop until he gets what he wants and he made it all too clear last night that I'm just that.

It's bothering me that he'll find out about Sage sometime down the line and that's going to be a huge problem. I'm not gonna lie and say Sage never asked about him because he has multiple times. He's a smart three year old and he knows one is supposed to have two parents even if not his friends have fathers so of course he's gonna wonder. Though I've never told him I hated Mason or that he left me, in his head his dad is overseas working which is the truth I suppose and in Mason's defense he doesn't even know Sage exists and I can't blame him for not being here for someone he doesn't have knowledge of.

I've been trying the past few years to keep my shit together but I really did lose it last night. I wanted to forgive him deep within me because I do love him but the fact that he did that to me won't let me. This whole thing is just a rollercoaster and I'm trying to get away from this but stupid Mason just had to show up.

I rolled out of bed tiredly going to the bathroom I brushed my teeth and brush my hair putting it into to messy bun. On my way down I checked on Sage to see him still sleeping so I head downstairs to the kitchen. Once I got there I immediately started making myself a much needed cup of coffee. The sun was slowly rising and it was a sight to see. I was thinking about making breakfast but what good will that do? I don't have an appetite Sage probably won't eat and once Lexi wakes up she'll probably be in a rush.

Finishing up my coffee and setting my cup in the sink, I checked the time seeing it's 7:15am I have to take Sage to the doctor at 10 so I still do have some time on my hands. I wanted him to rest as much as possible since he too didn't get to sleep last night and I'm sure he must be exhausted.

Maybe I should go exercise, it'll get my mind off stuff and I can at least blow off some steam. I walk back upstairs and head to my room then to my closet getting a change of clothes into a sky blue old Navy sports bra and leggings before quickly pulling my hair into a ponytail and putting on a pair of black Nike running shoes and before you ask yes, I have an obsession with Nike.

I checked the time once more before heading down stairs and to the basement which is the gym also. The space was huge and filled with mirrors and bright lights and it's very welcoming and warm. I got the treadmill running before asking Olivia to play 'till I collapse' by Eminem. As the song started blasting I got on the treadmill setting it to five mph and started running feeling my heart beat picked up and the adrenaline rush in my blood as I push myself.

It felt like it's been days when it's been only an hour. I grabbed a towel from the shelf and a bottle of water heading back upstairs and to my room, it's almost 9am so I ought to be getting ready now. I got into the shower washing my hair then washing every inch of my body clean as the warm water made me feel much more relaxed. Once I dried myself I wrapped a towel around my body and I went to brush my teeth once more then blow dried my hair and style it into a low ponytail. Walking to my closet I got underware on and chose to go with a light blue ripped skinny high wasted jeans and a black cropped shirt and clear strap heels I got dress but didn't put my shoes on yet as I still had to go get Sage up.

 Walking to my closet I got underware on and chose to go with a light blue ripped skinny high wasted jeans and a black cropped shirt and clear strap heels I got dress but didn't put my shoes on yet as I still had to go get Sage up

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