Chapter forty-four

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Amira's POV

*two months later*

“I swear if you people don't allow me to do things at my own pace I'm going to have a break down ” I say trying my best not to yell while laying down in the couch and eating my chocolate bar. I could also drink a cup of coffee right now or two maybe but unfortunately for me I'm all knocked up with this little one and everyone is just slowly getting on my nerves. Why can't a pregnant woman have a break at least once in her pregnant life huh?

“Mira, we have a schedule to keep up with so get your ass up!” Lexi shouts and I roll my eyes at her “I'm tired, I don't wanna do that anymore!!” I yell back as she walks into the living room. “what the fuck? You spoil brat...” she says gasping coming to grab my chocolate bar making me pout up at her sadly. “ you're gonna ruin the dress Mira what is wrong with you?” she ask while I just stare at her unimpressed.

It's not even that big of a deal I'm wearing a big olé puffy dress and for what? To stand around and look pretty for pictures. I want to do it but my feet hurt and I just wanted to relax right even if it's the fifth time in this hour but you can't blame me I'm super tired and Lexi has this clip board that she's working from because apparently I've somehow got myself a freaking personal torturer which I love so much that I obviously don't want to strangle her to death just to get my snack from her hands.

“dear? Is everything okay?” came the gorgeous woman with her salt and pepper shoulder length hair and her thick accented voice that is Mason's mom. “I'm fine, Lauren thank you” I tell her politely with a smile “we're falling behind on time and I supposed you want to get this over with hmm?” she ask and I nod lazily while she flash me that million dollar smile that warms my heart.

I got up from the couch fixing my dress as Lexi  gave me a glass and lipstick. I quickly applied it checking my teeth and make up before handing it back to her and Lauren helped me with my dress as we started the walk back outside to where I was having my photo shoot.

This is like the third dress in the two hours or maybe three hours I don't even know why I'm doing this I should've left with Mason and went to work with him because then I could lay on a couch and eat my chocolate bar in one peace. He is so fortunate to get called into work, he spent like an hour here taking pictures both him and Sage did and there's nothing I would'nt give to leave this place and go to work right now, there wouldn't be my psychopathic best friend there to be breathing down my back. Maybe I could call Mason and tell him to come get me that'll be good for my mental health.

Once we finally got finished with the photoshoot I quickly got out the dress and into something more comfortable. Before heading back downstairs where Lauren and Lexi was.

Upon getting to the kitchen I took a seat at the island watching Lauren as she was preparing us a snack and Lexi still looked like a superhero's sidekick. I subconsciously started rubbing my baby numb and for some reason I smirk knowing Mason isn't here to call me out for this since I always tell him that I hated it but I don't, honestly I do like it and I know for sure this little one likes it too it's very calming and comfortable but only when Mason and I dose it otherwise I would literally smack anyone for touching me.

“okay, so now we have four hours until the party it'll do you good to get some rest won't it?” Lexi ask smiling at me in a manipulative way and I roll my eyes though a nap does sounds great maybe I'll let her win on that one. “here you go loves” Lauren says setting a plate of cheesy pesto pasto infront of both Lexi and I and I almost drooled just from it's delicious sent.

“awe Lauren, you didn't have to but thanks” Lexi says digging in and I watch her with my mouth agape as she ate like here life depends on it. After a minute I shook my head at her and started at my own plate as Lauren sets down two cups of orange juice before taking her seat just across from us laughing. Now I had no reason judging Lexi for eating like a horse bit now I'm doing the same, because when I tell you this pasta is everything it's just amazing and all creamy and cheesy goodness I think I might just be in love.

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