Chapter Fifteen

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Mason's POV

It has been an entire week and a half since I've spoken to Amira. Yes, I've seen her as I've been picking Sage up to take him to school each morning and as today was Friday I'll go pick him up from school then go to her house to get his things so he can spend the weekend with me.

I'm not upset, I'm just selfish and I'm admitting it. Whenever it comes to Amira and her being mine I'm gonna be selfish because I don't want to share her.

As for this whole situation she has tried to explain herself but I don't want to hear it. I will get what I want by any cost, I haven't seen her with anyone but still she's in a relationship I honestly don't care, if I see her with anyone I'll just have their head. If she wants to see who I've become mentally in the past few years she can simply show this boyfriend she speaks of to me.

It seems I haven't tried hard enough to get her to believe that I want her and only her so I've got to try harder. She knows I'm stubborn but being a mafia leader as taken a toll on the naïve twenty- four year old that went back to Italy years ago, I'll never do anything to hurt her nor my son and she's making it harder than it needs to be to give me a chance to prove that but I will either way, and if anyone stands in my way of getting her I will not do much to have them be removed.

I was pulled from my thoughts as my phone started ringing and I look down at it seeing it was Enrique and I could only imagine what he wanted so I lazily picked up.

"Ciao?" I ask waiting for him to speak as I really didn't want to be disturb at all today despite the fact that I'm at work. "Romano, sarai in grado di passare presto dalla base?" (Romano, will you be able to drop by the base any time soon?) He asks and I shake my head though he couldn't see me "Nessun uomo, sto per essere occupato fino a lunedì è importante?" I ask rubbing my forehead with frustration (No man, I'm about to be busy until monday is it important?) "È un po 'di affari da casa, suppongo che possa aspettare" he says and I sigh (It's some business from home, I suppose it can wait) "Bene male vederti allora o puoi passare domani, c'è qualcuno che voglio che tu incontri" I tell him knowing he'll probably be excited he's like a two year old who got a free past for candy (Fine I'll see you then or you can drop by tomorrow, there's someone I want you to meet) "Lo farà" he says (will do) and I hang up after bidding our goodbye.

I sigh deeply setting the phone down and relax in my chair once more. I have so much work and responsibilities, I have no idea how I haven't collapse from high blood pressure dew to work. I'm not complaining though because I'll have the whole weekend to do nothing but enjoy the time I am to spend with Sage.

Thinking of Sage, I quickly checked my watch to see I only had about half an hour before his school dismissed so I'm ought to get going so he doesn't have to wait. I stood from my chair getting my laptop, phone and whatever document I needed to take along with me before grabbing my cup of coffee. As I walked out I'm met with my secretary who just nod at me as he knows just what to do for the remaining of the day.

I got on the elevator going down and once the doors open I got off walking to the huge glass entrance ignoring the skin piercing stares from everyone in and around the building. I was escorted to my blue Lamborghini urus by my bodyguard. Everything about this car was literally Sage's choice, Amira said I wasn't allowed to strap him in the front seat of my Gallardo so last week Saturday we both went car shopping and he liked this one so we got it and it's perfect too because he has his own custom car seat that match the blue and black interior of the car.

I got in setting my things on the front passenger seat before taking a sip out of my coffee doing the same in putting it in the cup holder grabbing my keys starting the cars just as the familiar black SUV that my bodyguard drive pulled out the parking lot and I followed.

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