chapter forty-three

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Mason's POV

Today's gonna be a very active day for sure as Alexis some how convince Amira to go shopping and of course me being me I just have to want to tag along beside why wouldn't I. It's Saturday and I literally don't have anything better to do so it's perfect, I get to go follow Amira around.

Heading down stairs I made my way to the kitchen just to see Amira wiping the island like her life depends on it.

“stop that right this minute!” I say as if to scold her and she turns around looking at me brows raised in confusion. “what? I'm literally just cleaning ” she states and I stare at her blankly “exactly Micetta, what did I say about you doing that?” I asked walking forward towards her who now looks frustrated but I don't care what if she lift something and it hurt her or the baby I can't have that happening “Mason, we're fine and I want to keep occupied what do you expect I do all day long? I can't just do nothing” she says and I shrug moving her so she'll take a seat at the island.

“there's like fifteen maids around this house order them around won't that be fun, plus Alexis should be here soon you should go get reafy yes?” I ask and she rolls her eyes at me. That's totally okay she can be mad why does she want to stress herself to clean I'm sure if she says the word it'll be done that's the reason I've got maids here so she'll take a break from everything.

“seriously you've got to stop treating me like I'm a fragile piece of glass ” she says and I nod even though I would never stop “if you stop cleaning I'll stop” I tell her making her pout up at me from her seat and I quickly peck her lips just as voices could be heard making us both pull apart.

“¡No, dije que 'no voy a ir William!” (No, I said I'm not going William!) Alexis yells walking into the kitchen and I look at her then over at Amira just as she looked at me, both of us giving each other the ‘it's happening again’ look. I turn to look back at Alexis who now has William towering over her and I really had to wonder if they noticed that they're in our house in our kitchen with us standing there because they both are in a bubble right now it seems and really I didn't want to experience my third in command dominating his sub girlfriend who is my girlfriend's best friend.

“Ascolta, io'ho bisogno che tu smetta di urlare bambina e si sieda il giù” (Listen, I'm gonna need you to stop yelling little girl and sit your ass down) William says and in all honesty I didn't wish to here more. I felt a tug on my arm and I look down to see my innocent little Micetta “what are they saying?” she ask and a smile at her “trust me you don't wanna know” I tell her pecking her lips and pulling her closer so she was now standing in front of me so I could rub her belly and yes she hates it but it makes me feel calm so we just got to adjust don't we?

We both watch as the couple stood there having a stare off before William pointed to the stool and looked at her as if to tell her he won't ask twice, she stormed off to the stool sitting there like a child with her arms folded over her chest glaring at William. Now, tell me if I'm wrong but I just couldn't hold in my laughter, I mean who would? have I ever seen two people argue like children before? Yes, but does it get better each time? Also yes. Alexis and William are a pair and I can't help myself but laugh at their petty arguments.

I muffle my laughter in Amira's neck while she hits my arms and I shrug moving away. “I'll go get Sage” I tell her kissing her soft plump lips gentle, as we broke apart she was completely flustered making me smirk “and no cleaning yeah?” I asked pulling away and she nods as I left going upstairs and to Sage's room.

I got to Sage's room and push the open and thank the heavens he's up because if there's one thing I hate is to be the one to wake him. He's not a grumpy person but I hate being disturbed from my sleep if it isn't important so I guess he just got that from me and trust me I hate disturbing him he should be able to sleep in on weekends.

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