chapter forty-seven

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Mason's POV

This shit is getting overwhelming by the second and I just wanted to be done. I have no idea home long I've been here for but I was honestly getting frustrated plus I can feel a serious headache coming on.

I admit working from home is fun but really what's even the point. That just takes the comfort away from being able to do practically nothing at a time, I do love my work and everything but damn do I wanna say fuck it and retire already.

I drop the file in hand on my desk and lay my head on it as my head started pulsating and for what? I haven't even finished half the work that was sent to me both from my office and paperwork for shipment for the bandit, as I said overwhelming. I would rather not be here but I've got to get my work done but ain't no way I can do that with an irritating migraine. I quickly checked the time seeing it is 12:20pm and now I decided to take a break maybe this is why I've got an headache because I've been here since 8:30am buried in work like a workaholic.

Deciding to take that break I stood walking out of my office and head straight to the kitchen, I would just grab a water bottle and go get some pain killers that should help. I got there to see Amira which confused me as she's supposed to but upstairs hovering over the interior designers.

“What are you doing down here?” I ask grabbing a water bottle as she turned to look at me with a smile on her beautiful face. “I was preparing something for you since you skipped breakfast” she say dowsing a plate of salad with ranch. I took my seat at the island smiling at how thoughtful she is clearly making my needs a priority. Though I didn't miss the fact that she was still making this a duty rather than resting I would really rather starve than having to stress her.

She set the dish infront of me handing me a fork and I thank her as she quickly kissed me  “hey Micetta, is there pain killers down here?” I ask and she nods going to get them as I started eating, she walk back over to me with a package of ibuprofen. I paused on eating popping the pills into my mouth and drank some water “thank you” I tell her as she smiled walking to stand behind me and I felt her tiny fingers massaging my head.

“maybe you should take a break from working you've been going at it all morning ” she says and I hummed in agreement not wanting to speak as I was enjoying her head massage and eating. She makes everything better and even though I know the reality of getting back to work I could help but not want to.

“you should come take a look at the room it's all set and finished now ” she say and I turn to look at her “really? That took almost two days?” I ask surprised “yeah it's a baby's room plus there was like five persons working on it” she says and I nod I guess I should have expected that “okay I'll come see” I tell her with a smile.

Once I finished eating I got the dish in the dishwasher along with everything that Amira used earlier, then we were off to go see our baby boy's room me for the first time I'm sure Amira had filled her eyes before hand. Walking upstairs we head off to the room that she chose to be the nursery which is one of the smaller quest rooms. She could've easily used the room beside Sage's but I have gotten used to giving her what she wants.

I got the door open and allow her to walk in before me. I stood beside her looking around the room at everything and to be honest I'm fairly impressed at how it looks, I was really not expecting this but let's be honest I didn't know what the hell to expect and I'm in love with the whole black and white theme that's going on.

 I stood beside her looking around the room at everything and to be honest I'm fairly impressed at how it looks, I was really not expecting this but let's be honest I didn't know what the hell to expect and I'm in love with the whole black and whi...

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“do you like it?” she ask looking up at me and I smile at her “I do” I say and she went smiling looking proud. “we're gonna be spending more time in here rather than our room hmm?” I ask not even close enough to being ready, but I guess you can't just be prepared to raise a kid “I guess we will” she says look around as if say dreaming and I chuckle turning her around so she face me.

“I don't mind being here as long as we're together” I tell her before placing my lips on hers in a passionate calming kiss. We pulled away but stayed in place just content in each others arms, and I'm so glad I chose this over looking at papers and having a headache.

I've proven that she's my safe pace too many times to count and I just want to stay like this forever just hold her and do nothing more. I like my life like this, being in her embrace meant everything to me and I would literally kill to stay here for the rest of my life and even beyond that, for eternity if you will. There's nothing more comforting to know I could let my guards down and feel or even be vulnerable because I know she's gonna be there always and that she got me no matter what. She's always gonna be right beside me to give me head massages when I have an headache or to yell at me when I'm being overprotective and I love all of it just as much as I love her.

“you wanna watch a movie with me?”I ask and she moved back to look at me “don't you have work?” she ask and I nod “yeah but that can wait I wanna cuddle” I tell her pouting making her laugh, “come on then” she says pulling me along with her.

We got downstairs and to the living room which we chose over the bedroom since Sage will soon be home so it's more convenient for everyone.

“we're watching a movie with Adam Sandler!” Amira yell like a child walking along to the living room while I went to go get her snacks. “of course we are!” I yell back going to grab a bag of potatoe chips and gummy bears from the pantry before getting her eggnog from the fridge and pouring it into a glass then got everything and walk to the living room.

Getting there she was sitting with her hand rubbing her baby bump while flipping through movies. I set the snacks down on the coffee table before taking my seat next to her “found one” she whispers as if speaking to herself and ‘the do over’ came on I turned and lay on the couch setting my head on her lap and getting comfortable “Mason...” she says pouting and I shrug “what?...” I ask in a mocking tone “why are you laying on me I thought you wanted to watch a movie” she says looking down at me “I know, but I also want to cuddle” I tell her going to wrap my arms around her making me go face to face with her growling belly.

She laughs at my actions as I was literally not even watching the move but how can I went there's great comfort to endure. Really, I just wanted to be close to her you know feel her warmth against my body and to be with her. I could watch the move some other time but right now is the time for me to relax and she wasn't making any hardly as I could feel her fingers starting to run through my hair driving me closer to sleep.

I sigh snuggling in as close as I could get. This is just perfect absolutely perfect, and to think I almost gave this up for work is only idiotic attitude. There's no where I would rather be but right here in her arms feeling content and happy, if this was my last experience on earth I would literally die a happy man.

I can proudly say that I'm the luckiest man on this planet. I mean, ranging from the most gorgeous women that I get to call mine to having to best most smart son their is and knowing there's another one on the way I basically have it all and I need nothing more. I'm happy as it is and with who it is.

If I had the choice to have change anything I wouldn't. I believe downfalls is a way to build yourself back up more firmly and I though I have regrets I'm super proud of where we are today and how far we've come despite our past challenges and I'm so damn excited to see where the future will take us.

I felt myself slowly going into and unconscious state and I'm glad I'm doing so with a small one my face “I love you” I whisper subconsciously but I was too far gone to even tell what happened or comprehend what she said, I just welcome the quiet and calm darkness with open arms.



Sorry for the long wait you guys sometimes I just don't know where to go.

Also maybe there's a butt load of mistakes but I promise to fix them ASAP.

Hope you enjoyed💙💛

I love you my butterflies 🦋🦋😇

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