Chapter Eleven

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Mason's POV

Taking a sip from my water I checked my watch once more to see it was only about five minutes until seven. I would be lying if I say I wasn't here from almost 6:30. I'm so eager to just get to look at her and not argue, partly the reason why I chose to come to a fancy five star restaurant maybe she won't want to yell at me and I'd really appreciate that.

I am already happy she chose to hear me out though I don't know if my explanation will be good enough but I still need her to listen and understand why I did what I did. Hence why this date if you can even call it that.

I sigh checking the time once more before a shadow cast over me blocking the light and I look up to see her standing there in all her glory, she's just as beautiful as when I first met her and her eyes were shinning if I'm not mistaken I could swear she's blushing.

I stood smiling at her and went to pull her seat out, she took her seat and I went to do the same once more. She quickly told the waitress what she wanted and was settling into the environment when all I could do is stare at her, it's like I've never seen her before.

"Thank you for meeting me" I say sincerely and she blinks looking around "you didn't give me much of a choice, and I don't want you stalking me" she says and I couldn't help but smile, I see she's as feisty as always. "How have you been?" I ask being cautious and she looks at me with a confusing expression.

"Let's get something straight Mason, we are not friends and I didn't come here so we can catch up you wanted a chance to talk so go on I'm here and I'm listening" she says relaxing in her seat and I sigh doing the same this is gonna be harder than I thought. She got her drink and I waited for the waitress to walk away before I started speaking.

"You were the only person who knew who I truly was when I first came here and I had never lied to you. You know that my father died but if I hadn't went back there I would've lost more than just him" I stated taking a deep breath while she just stared at me. " I got back to find out that my father's right hand man had gotten him killed and he kidnapped my mother to get to me, I'm not telling you all this for pity or so you would forgive me easily Amira but believe that I didn't want to leave you I had no other choice-" I was saying before she cuts me off "well I'm sorry to hear that Mason but I'm over you and this whole situation. If it's my forgiveness that you want then I forgive you, in fact I forgave you a long time ago and I'm sure you see that I'm doing just fine" she says and I know with everything in me she doesn't mean that, I know she hates me and I hate me too I really do regret everything.

"What happened after I left?" I asked curiosity getting the better of me. "Oh, if you must know I cried day and night for weeks after four weeks of you being gone I got evicted and as you know I had no where else to go so I was homeless until fortunately for me I found help " she says and confused is all I was how was she evicted "what?" is all I could say as my mind was running miles.

"That was never supposed to happen, I prepaid the rent for three months so how after four weeks?" that sneaky fuck of a landlord I should've just left the money for her instead of doing that. "Hmm... Anyways like I said I do have responsibilities I suppose I should get going if that's all" she speaks looking around "Amira, for what it's worth I do love you and I never in any way meant to hurt you I went back because I knew if I did our life together would've been better than it was in that time" I say honestly "you know it didn't bother me that you left, it was the fact that we talked about it and you said you wouldn't but you did and I went through hell stressing and crying over you because you lied to me, you broke my heart and my trust but thank you for trying to explain I hope you have a safe flight back" she finished standing and grabbing her purse before walking away and I rushed after her trying not to make a scene.

Once we got outside I tried to stop her from walking away but she was determined as hell. I grab her hand twirling her around and hugging her to my chest as the flashes came and she was trying to push me away before she noticed them, these people never mind their business.

"Would you like show her face or to tell us who she is to you Mr.Romano?" "Is she a one night stand?" "Mr. Romano how long will you be here in America?" "Are you two dating?" Annoying questions from annoying people is there no better jobs for these people to have.

"Where's your car love?" I ask and she whispers that it's to my left. Paparazzi is a fucked up thing and me being me if people see as much as a picture with Amira and I, I know they'll go digging and I don't want any harm to come to her because of me. I was using my jacket to cover her as much as possible while we walk to her car, a bodyguard was standing with the door open thankfully. As we got closer he started pushing the paparazzi away and I got her in the car safely closing the door, I waited until they drove off before I walk back to my car still getting bombarded by questions. I got into my car and pulled out of the parking lot and onto the road.

While driving I couldn't help but let my mind wonder off. I wanted nothing more than to not let her go when I was hugging her minutes ago, I just want her to be by my side forever is that too much to ask? Maybe I should've tried harder to explain things to her because I really didn't mean for any of this to happen.

I do know just an explanation won't do to get her back into my life but how will I go about all this if she doesn't even want to be around me for too long. I hate myself for doing this to her, I could've had her in my arms but I chose to be stupid and selfish.

I really do need her, If only she knew the hold she has on me. I'll have her one way or another, I know I can't force her to love me but I know she does. Would there have been a reason she hasn't moved on? I didn't go searching but I know she hasn't been in any other relationship since then and I believe there is two reasons as to why, one is that she doesn't want to be in another relationship because I broke her heart and two is because she's still in love with me. Could also be that she just hates men now but I won't bet on it.

With thinking I know I'm going to have to do more than just give her a lame explanation, I know she's doing well without me but as for me I'm not. I feel like I'm slowly dying by the second, I'm mentally fucked and whenever I'm with her it's so much better. I don't just want to hold her I want to show her how much I love her, I want to make up for the time we lost and I want to love her and cherish her like I once did but that's only if she'll let me.

I pulled into the garage shortly after turning the car off and stepped out locking it. I walk to the door getting it unlocked and went inside going straight downstairs to the first floor. Once I got to the kitchen I grab a glass from the cupboard and got myself a bottle of red labeled whiskey pouring myself a glass.

This all is a shitty feeling, I went back home so I could do what I was supposed to do to make her happy but now it feels like it was all for nothing. I should've known money don't really bring happiness, I should've stayed here and be with her but my stupid choices were for a reason. I fear it would've been worst if had I stayed here, I didn't want to see her sad, I didn't want her to be in need of anything. I wanted her to be happy and I couldn't do that if I couldn't find a job or anything to make money so she could live in one piece. Stupid decision I do regret leaving but that already happened and I can't change it neither can I give up on her but what I can do is persuade her I guess an unexpected visit will do the trick.



Okay shit bout to get real real now😂

Hope you enjoyed💙💛

I love you my butterflies 🦋🦋😇

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