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She walked outside the school and looked at zainab and said till you come. She entered inside the either Lexus and they went home.

When will you take the cars to the station? After asr prayer the two drivers will come and we will go.

Okay tell me when they come and I will send Janet with the money. After that she entered inside the house and heard some quarreling.

She ignored them and walked to her room. She saw Janet walking down the stairs and said Janet my friend will be here in about thirty.

She smiled and said I will welcome her and prepare food for you guys. Thank you Janet she said and kept walking.

She entered her bedroom and locked the door like she does everyday. She quickly entered her bathroom and took a bath.

She got dressed in a simple clothing

Just as she was about to seat down someone knocked on her door

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Just as she was about to seat down someone knocked on her door. Salma open up zainab said from outside.

She opened the door and allowed her to come in. She left the door unlocked so Janet could come in later.

Wow it's been a while since I came to this house zainab said as she sat down on the bed. Salma nodded and said yes two months.

Zainab smiled and said yeah. I have something to tell you. I'll be studying abroad immediately after our graduation.

Where? The UK she said with a big smile on her face. Salma smiled and said wow your dreams are finally being put in place.

Congrats sis she said and gave her a thumbs up. The call to asr pray forced them to perform wud'u and pray.

As they were praying Janet walked in and kept their snacks and drinks and left. Salma finished first so she started her azkar.

Immediately after they finished they started eating the snacks. Salma did you see the long line of people waiting for fuel?

Yes I saw do you guys have fuel? Yes just yesterday my dad called his friend who owns a filling station and they took all the cars at home to have them refilled.

What about your cars? They will be refueled today before she closed her mouth her phone started ringing.

She saw baba driver so she picked up. Yes! Hajiya there's a slight problem. What is it? Biliyaminu said he can't make it.

He said an emergency came up and his mom is in the hospital. It's fine can you find anyone to drive the car?

Yes but he is at the other side of the city. She sighed and said we can't waste time just because we have the privilege.

I'll come down and drive the Mercedes she said and stood up. Where are we going? Zainab asked.

Salma took her purse and took her phone. I'll be back in a second then we'll go and refill the cars.

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