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Hello guys. If you are seeing this then please head over to my profile and add the latest new book FATIMA to your reading list.

Don't just add it to the list and leave it there add it to your library and read, share, vote and comment.

It will be lit I promise you that you will like it Insha Allah. Another bonus is it's written in hausa language so it will be easier to understand without giving the characters actions another meaning.

If the views and votes increase I will publish a new chapter every three days which is twice a week instead of once a week.

Read the first chapter and tell me what you think.


"I am thinking we should go back to Abuja permanently since you'll be starting school shortly. What do you think?"

She looked at him "sure that's a good idea. Abuja doesn't have traffic issues like Lagos it's easier to move around."

"You can start packing then. Also to give you notice we will be going to Adamawa for Eid Al Adha."

"Thanks for the advanced update" she said with a smile and took her scrambled eggs. He just ate and didn't reply.

He left the dinning and walked back to his side. He took a shower and changed into something for office.

He looked at two of his phones and started wondering where the third one is.


"You have a guest hajiya"


"The lady that came here a while back"

Salma contemplated before saying "let her in."

Amina walked in and took a seat. "How long has it been since I came last?"

"What are you doing here? I told you I will send what I can when it's time."

"And I came here to tell you I don't want what you can give. I want fifty million naira. That's the least you can do right?"

Naseem who came back snooping to find his phone stopped and listened in on the conversation.

People can be shameless

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People can be shameless. He thought

"Give me one good reason why I should give you fifty million?"

"Because I said so. Now stop wasting my time I have a lot of things to buy and my wedding is just three weeks after eid."

Salma smiled and said "I told you I will send you what I can when I wish to."

"Salma, it's like you're not understanding me. I don't want what you can. I want fifty million. Why are you so stingy? After all my parents have done for you."

Salma sat up properly and raised a hand "hold up, hold up, holdup. What did your parents do for me? What did they ever do for me? The only thing they did is leech off me and steal from me. Leave the emotional abuse aside.

I knew you guys were shameless but I never thought you would be this shameless. Don't you have an ounce of pride and self respect somewhere deep inside that heart of yours?

And talking of stingy. Why do you care if I am stingy or not? Last time I checked ba ubanki ne ya bani kudin ba ko? Kuma bashi dinne ya bani hanyar samun su ba(it's not your father that gave me the money right? And it's not him who gave me a way of finding them)

So don't come to my house feeling entitled and all. That won't make me give you anything if I didn't plan on giving it to you in the first place."

"Salma you're not the person you were just months ago."

Salma nodded "you're right I have changed. After all am a mom now. I will send two million to your account. Congrats on your wedding Didi."

"What will two million do for me?"

Naseem sighed and walked in "you are generous with money salma. Two million is a lot. How about five hundred thousand?"

Salma looked at him and looked back at Didi "you're right. Five hundred thousand it is."

Didi's life left her body as she stared at the gorgeous man standing beside Salma. Salma realized she was staring at him ask she took her bag and grabbed her dragging her to the door.

She stopped in front of the entrance and said "leave I will send the five hundred thousand to you."

Didi grabbed her by the collar and yelled "if you're only giving me five hundred thousand then keep your shit."

Salma pushed her away "I will gladly do that. You're no longer welcome at my place. Don't ever come back here."

She slammed the door shut and walked back inside. She wasn't surprised to see that he wasn't there.

She ran upstairs and laid on her bed and covered her face with her blanket. She started crying.

She didn't realize that a person was standing over her and just cried. Naseem stood there without saying anything.

She turned around and the blanket moved back a bit. She looked up and saw him there she quickly sat up and turned away allowing her hair to cover her face.

"Are you alright?"

She nodded and later said "yes"

He stayed there without saying anything for a while. "You know we are better off without people like that in our lives. Toxic family members are better kept as far away as possible."

She wiped away her tears "but still they're family."

He sat down on her bedside and looked into her eyes "if they thought of you as family they wouldn't have abused you emotionally and mentally. They are no longer your family salma I am your family.

So don't waste your tears over them. You're well educated so you should know the tears of an orphan isn't something good. I get that we got married abruptly without knowing much about the other but I want you to think of me as someone you can go to with your problems.

Whenever you feel the need to talk, scream or cry. Come to me I will listen because I am your husband, friend and loyal fan. Don't ever cry in the presence of those who hurt you. If you want to do that do it only and only in my presence. Because I am a hundred percent sure I am the only person who won't judge you."

She nodded and hugged him before saying a very small thank you. She fell asleep hugging him like that.

He laid her down properly and kissed her cheek before turning on the second AC and the humidifier on the bedside.

He closed the curtains and turned off the lights before closing the door and heading out of the part.

He came across Basira holding Naseem junior. He took him from her and looked at the boy who looks so much like him.

"Salma is sleeping don't wake her up. Come to the main residence and get him in thirty minutes."

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