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"Why are you over here in my house early in the morning?"

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"Why are you over here in my house early in the morning?"

"Naseem did you forget you have an empire to run? You haven't showed up at work for two weeks"

"Family emergency"

"Naseem we both know Salma is doing fine now and you can return to work."

He looked at the tall slender man who resembles him in a way "Kashim(momy's son) why are you nosey?"

"Because I make a living through your business now let's go Abdallah, Yusuf and Bello are waiting at the company"

"No. What you need to do is get out" he said and leaned on the chair.

Kashim sat beside him "why are you being like this? This isn't you"

"This is me kashim"

"You are still not over junior passing away"

"I am"

"No you're not"

Naseem glared at him "what really is going on?"

"A lot of things are going on Naseem one of them is you fired the manager for embezzlement and also the issue of Nusaiba it's all over the news"

"Did they reach a verdict?"

"Yes they did. She will be going away for three years because she is a first offender"

Naseem rolled his eyes "sure enough"

He stared at kashim "why are you really here? If I was needed you'd be more serious than this."

"Anti mama is looking for you but she is not looking for you"


"You know fadila her eldest"

"I sure do now speed this up"

"Well apparently her husband lost a lot of money in his recent investment and lost everything else as EFCC raided his home and bank.

All he has left is his house and a car. She says he's too out of it to look for ways to survive he always said he was ashamed to go out.

He later started being a bit abusive. Just recently he beat her and her children up so she left the house with her children.

She demanded a divorce and he refuses to give her one. They went to court and the judge is slowing things down. There is also the issue of custody."

"Which judge?"

"Shuaib Usman. He is the judge at the Shariat court along the magistrate route"

"I know him. Of all judges why did it have to be him?"

He closed his eyes and opened them back "tell her to drop the law suit. I will send some people over to talk to him.

Insha Allah by tomorrow or the day after her divorce will be processed and she will have custody of her kids. Where does she work?"

"She is a lecturer at the BUK"

He took his third phone and dialed a number saved as Shamsudeen Aminu. The man picked up and said "ranka ya dade ina gaisuwa" (may you live long my greetings"

Naseem cleared his throat "it's been a while Shamsu I heard you became a SAN?"

"Yes it has been over a year now"

"Masha Allah congratulations. I didn't know about that ai."

"It's fine you have a lot to deal with"

"Yes. I actually have a case with me and was hoping you could take it over but now that you are a SAN am not sure such small cases are of interest to you"

"Don't say that sir I am very honored that you thought of me."

"It is a Saturday so you definitely won't be at the office so send me your address and I will sent the client to you"


After Naseem hung up he looked at Kashim "if you have time go with her to his office if not you can send her since she's educated and knows what to do"

Salma walked out from the hallway all dressed up.

"Why are you out here? The doctor said to rest"

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"Why are you out here? The doctor said to rest"

She smiled a shallow smile "I am fine now seem I even came out because I have to go to school there's a test."

Naseem watched her get ready and leave the house after giving him a peck.


It took salma a while to get used to and to accept the fact that junior has passed away but after coming to terms with it she became free.

She mingled with the family which was mostly Naseem's family as she had close to none. Her mothers family was against her getting married to their dad so they cut contact with her.

And from the whole mai na'am family they only knew uncle Bala and aunt nuriyya as they were the only siblings her dad had.

Their grandfather had three kids and was a very hot headed man who didn't get along with his family so his children never really knew them let alone his grandchildren.

Election is coming closer and closer and salma found out that Abdulaziz will be contesting for speaker House of Representatives and Sadiq will be contesting for member.

Salma looked at Naseem "will Sadiq really go for politics?"

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