Chapter 2 - Ella

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I felt a tap on my shoulder followed by a voice which snapped me out of thought, "Ella? Hey, Ella?"

"Huh? Oh, sorry." I apologized while fasting my seatbelt and turning the car on.

"Are you thinking about something?" Nicolas said in a playful tone, he was definitely getting more drunk by the second.

"I was but it doesn't matter anymore, what's the place you wanted to visit?" I asked while turning on my phone so I could have the gps during the drive.

Nicolas took the phone and put in the address, it seemed to be some kind of dessert place, I was honestly excited for it, it looked delightful.

I began driving to the dessert shop, letting Nicolas take control of the music. We talked during the drive, more like he talked.

I could barely get a sentence out because of the amount of things he had to say, it didn't bother me though. I was quite interested in his little conversations, it ended once we got to our destination though.

I looked over at Nicolas who was half awake, his head dropping down just a bit. I tapped on his shoulder, causing him to spring up.

"Can you even walk or stay awake?" I asked while parking the car.

"I'm not that drunk, just give me some water and I'll be fine." he said with a hiccup.

"Alright, if you say so." I sighed while handing him a water bottle I picked up from the back of the car.

He opened the bottle and drank it little by little before we decided to head out. Locking that car behind me, we began walking into the little shop.

As we walked in, the sweet smell hit our noses. It was like heaven, everything looked so good the more we looked around. Candies, cakes, ice-creams, everything was here.

"Holy fuck there's so much to choose from." I exclaimed in shock.

"I know, right? It all just looks so good right now, wanna go ahead and pick some random shit out?" he asked, smiling.

"Um, yes?! What kind of a question is that?" I rhetorically asked with excitement.

He chuckled and took two of the bags they provided for the candies, one for him and one for me.

"Pick out anything for me, I'm going to check out the cakes. Meet me back at that table over there?" he asked, pointing to an empty table.

I gave him a thumbs up and headed to the candy section while he headed to the cakes, man there was a lot to choose from.

I wasn't a big fan of sour things so I just kept everything more on the sweet side. I filled up my bag with mostly chocolates like Hershey's, Reese's, Twix, the good stuff.

It was the opposite for  Nicolas, he liked the sour shit instead of the sweet ones. So that's what I filled up his bag with, sour gummies, warheads, sour skittles, anything sour really.

We met up at the table he had said and showed each other what we got. I showed him his bag, looking at the satisfaction on his face once he noticed it was all sour.

"You just know me so well, don't you?" he asked.

"Sure do!" I replied with a smile.

He set down the cakes on the table, placing the forks on top of it. We both sat down and opened the containers holding the beautiful desserts. Mine was a chocolate cake while his was red-velvet.

We took some bites out of our cakes and began chatting about dumb things. While we were hanging out, I noticed his eyes getting a bit more droopy then they were before.

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