Chapter 68 - Lucifer

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- 6 months later -

"Can you please tell me where we're going?" Ella asked for the 1,000th time in the past 6 hours.

"You'll know when we land."

"Pretty please?" she began begging.

"Amore, shut up." I simply said, continuing to drink the wine in my glass.

"Pleaseee?" she continued.

"If you keep asking me, I will gag you until we land."

"You shove me in a fancy ass jet and told me we were going somewhere. I think I should have the right to know or else this is just considered as kidnapping." she pouted.

"Watch your mouth. Besides, if being kidnapped is also being shoved into a jet and being taken to somewhere beautiful with you husband, you are a lucky victim."

"I'm a lucky wife, there's a difference. And yes I guess you do have a point, still mad at you for not telling me where we're going though!"

I chuckled at her words and continued drinking my wine, pouring her a glass with my other hand and giving it to her. She took it and started drinking the beverage like she was dying of dehydration.

"Slow down, would you?"

She put the glass down on the table and looked at me, "I tell you to do the same thing and you never do."

"It fun watching you beg for me to slow down, especially when I know you're only saying it and you secretly want me to go faster."

She smiled, her face turning red, "You know me so well."

Life seemed to be going a lot smoother now that Grayson's mafia was down. I haven't had much work to do and I finally got my chance to marry Ella and make her my wife after months of waiting.

Watching her walk down that aisle in her beautiful dress and gorgeous face, god I was praying no one could see the tent that was forming in my pants. It was taken care of soon after the wedding was over.

The honeymoon was also fantastic, I took her to Hawaii since she's been telling me how long she's been wanting to go there for. I didn't thing I would enjoy it there. But every moment she was around me, I found a smile on my face every time.

We had settled ourselves in the safe house ever since we got there. It wasn't that I had a hard time finding a new place for all of us to live, I had a hard time finding a safe place to live.

Yes, Grayson's mafia was done for, but other mafias were now coming after us. Ever since that incident, we've been targeted quite a few times by many other mafias. Obviously they didn't do much harm to me but it made me worried that I couldn't protect my loved ones well enough. They assured me they will be alright.

Besides that, I've finally been getting to live a good life with the people I care about most. Oliver and Harrison have been getting quite close lately, they act like friends when they're around people but once we get home it's a completely different thing.

Hours felt like days as we traveled in the air. Everyone else was back at home while I was taking Ella somewhere special for her birthday. And of course with every special event comes a little bit of pleasure.

'If I could fuck her right here right now, I definitely would.'

"How long are we going to be staying at this place for?" Ella asked.

"However long you want to stay, it doesn't matter. We aren't in much of a rush to get back home, I cancelled any meetings I had already." I replied, pouring more wine in my glass.

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