Chapter 74 - Ella

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The sun shined brightly into my face, waking me up almost instantly. I already felt sick to my stomach, I hadn't even done anything yet and I'm already feeling sick, aren't I such a lucky one?

I pulled the sheet off of my body and went to get off of the bed. Once I got on my feet, I started losing balance so I instantly sat back down as to not hurt myself. I turned around to see if I had woken Lucifer up.

I frowned when I saw that he wasn't even in the bed.

'That's just perfect. Because nothing's better than waking up in an empty bed when you're sick and shaking!'

I attempted to get up again and finally got some kind of balance, instantly making my way over to the bathroom. I opened the door and walked inside, starting to gag a bit.

I ran over to the toilet and started throwing up once again. I tired my best to move my hair away from it, nothing is worse then having vomit in your hair, especially when you had just cleaned it.

I sat there for about a minute or two, getting everything out of my system. I flushed the toilet and took a breather, trying to collect myself before I stood up again and headed over to the sink.

I turned on the faucet and cupped my hands together, placing them underneath the cold running water. I put it in my mouth and spit everything out before grabbing my toothbrush from the holder and putting toothpaste on it.

I brushed my teeth, did my skincare, and did my hair care all in about 30-35 minutes. I had gotten bored and it was the only things I could think of to do without Lucifer being here.

I still didn't know where he went which made me upset. We had such a painful but nice time together last night then he just gets up and leaves the next morning? Sounds like a one-night-stand all over again.

I gave myself one last check in the mirror before walking out of the bathroom. I walked over to the nightstand and picked up my phone, expecting to see at least a text from him. Nothing, not one text or call.

'Maybe it was an emergency work thing?'

My stomach was already growling, I was definitely hungry for some breakfast. I was a bit worried that I would throw it up but I didn't feel like starving myself right now, I'll just eat something light.

I walked out of the room and shut the door behind me. I walked down the stairs carefully as to not fall down since my legs felt like noodles after last night.

Just as I was walking down the stairs, I smelt something delicious that seemed to be coming from the kitchen. Oliver had just walked out of the living room, looking over at me.

"Good morning, Ella! Do you need some help there?" he asked, walking over to me.

"Good morning, Oliver. Some help would be great actually, thank you." I replied as he took my arm and wrapped it around his shoulders.

He led me over to the living room. Harrison was also in there, sitting on the couch with his eyes stuck on the TV. Oliver held me until we got to the couch, sitting me down comfortably.

"Morning, Ella. How did you sleep?" Harrison asked, looking over at me.

"I slept somewhat well, how about you guys?" I asked as Oliver sat down next to Harrison.

"We slept pretty good, we mostly talked the whole night but I would say it was worth it since we get to learn new things about each other." Oliver answered.

"You guys are so cute that I might just cry again."

They both chuckled at my comment. Harrison put his arm around Oliver's waist and pulled him closer, Oliver rested his head on his shoulder and started watching the TV.

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