Chapter 48 - Lucifer

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- 3 months later -

"Pretty pleaseee?" Ella begged more and more as she followed me down the hallway.

"I said no, I refuse to put you in any sort of danger again." I aggressively replied, trying to walk away from her.

"Come on, if I just had a bit of training then maybe I can—"

"Last week you almost got yourself killed from trying to interfere with my work when I had specifically told you to stay in the fucking car. Even if I did try training you, you won't listen."

Ella had been begging me for almost a month about training her so that she could come with me while I was at work without getting hurt. I did want to train her for protection, but I don't want her coming to work with me.

I fear that if I do try training her, she's going to find a way to interfere more with my work. For fuck sakes, she almost got kidnapped again two weeks ago. And before that, she was almost shot by one of Grayson's men.

"I will listen." she whined.

Sighing, I stopped walking and turned around. I grabbed her face and force her to look up at me as I spoke.

"If I say no, that means no. Stop pestering me or I swear I won't hesitate to fuck that pretty mouth of yours quite, amore."

Ella smiled with a bit of red appearing on her cheeks, "Maybe I might just keep pestering you then."

I rolled my eyes and let go of her face, continuing the walk to my office. I thought Ella would leave me alone after my response but she just kept following me until I finally reached the door to my office.

As I was opening it, she jumped right on my back. I let go of the door handle and instantly caught her legs as she wrapped them around my body, her arms wrapping around my neck. Her head peaked from behind my shoulder with a smile.

"Get off." I demanded.

"Not until you comply with my demand." she whispered in my ear.

I walked inside my office and placed her down on one of the chairs. Her eyes followed my body as I walked over to my chair and sat down, looking at her from the other side of the desk.

"I would be happy to teach you, but I can't let you join me with work. It would be nice so you could protect yourself in case danger jumps at us."

"Then do it, please. I won't interfere with your work if you don't want me to, but I'm still very eager to learn the ways of defending myself." she continued begging.

"Fine, what do you want to start with?" I asked.

She tilted her head in confusion, "Start with?"

"Do you want to practice physical attacks or would you rather start with operating a gun first?" I simplified.

She took a moment to think about what she wanted to do first. I would rather she learned how to shoot a gun first since it's a lot simpler, learning how to fight physically takes some time to teach and practice.

"I think I can try using a gun." she finally answered.

"Alright, we can start tomorrow." I said, grabbing one of the files from the drawer next to my desk.

"Tomorrow?! Lucifer, I'm impatient, don't do this to me." she complained.

I cursed under my breath before slamming down the files that I had in my hand. Ella didn't seem phased at all, she still had that stupid but sweet grin on her face. She got up from the chair and walked over to me as I pushed myself away from the desk.

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