Chapter 20 - Lucifer

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"Very straightforward, hm?"

"Yes, incredibly. But I made up my mind already and I don't need any more time to think about it because if I do think more about it then I might change my mind and—" she rambled before I cut her off.

"Calm down, take a breath. Let's get you inside, it doesn't look nice out here."

Ella looked up at the sky and saw how cloudy it was getting, allowing me to take her hand and lead her inside. She squeezed it tightly with her warm hands,  bringing a smile to my face.

We walked to the living room and sat down on the couch in silence, letting us both collect our thoughts. I was happy that she said yes to this, that's what I wanted to hear.

"Do you want anything to eat or drink?" I asked.

No response, just a blank stare at the ground. I snapped my fingers to see if maybe she would react to that but I still got nothing out of her.

"Amore, look at me." I demanded.

She turned her head over to me and looked me in my eyes, "I don't want anything, thank you."

"Did you eat something today at least?" I calmly asked her.

Ella focused her eyes back onto the floor and mumbled, "Why would you even care?"

I pretended I didn't hear her, I didn't need this becoming a habit.

"Ella, look at me and answer my question. Did you or did you not eat something today?"

"I didn't get the time to eat anything yet." she responded, practically whispering.

Sighing, I got up from my seat and walked over to her, putting my hand under her chin and making her look at me. We locked eyes for a solid 5 seconds before I spoke.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you, don't look away until the conversation is over." I demanded.

"I will bite your fucking hand." she threatened.

"Watch your mouth." I demanded once more.

She rolled her eyes when looking away from me, I pretended that I didn't see it just so I can surprise her with a punishment she was practically asked for with this attitude.

'Please keep that up.'

I grabbed her hand and lifted her up, taking her to the kitchen so she could pick out something for herself. We walked in together and then I let her go so she can go look around.

"Grab anything, I just want you to eat."

"You have such a soft side for me, you're so cute." she chuckled, grabbing one of the pastries from the counter.

'Believe me, I do. I can't admit that to you though.'

"Don't call me 'cute', it's stupid and not the best term for me." I firmly said.

"Want me to call you pretty then, pretty boy?" she joked, taking a bite out of the pastry she had.

"You're adorable. Keep eating, I'll get you some water" I said before walking over to the cooler.

I grabbed a water for both Ella and myself. I opened the caps and walked back to where she was, placing it down on the counter beside her.

"I'm praying you're not trying to poison me." she chuckled, taking a sip of the water.

'She really is adorable.'

We started talking about her living with me, I was glad that she had agreed. I wanted her to live with me because she made me feel more comfortable with myself, I didn't feel so grumpy all the time with her here.

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