Chapter 39 - Lucifer

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"Lucifer would you slow the fuck down?!" Oliver shouted, holding onto his seat like a fucking drama queen.

"I dare you to tell me that one more time during this drive and I will have you either locked in the trunk or thrown out of this vehicle while it's running." I carelessly answered.

"Okay, I know you want to get Ella back and all but at least try to keep us alive until we actually get to her."

Yesterday we had tried to find the warehouse she was being held in, we didn't have much luck with that. The location we were given from the guy was real but it wasn't the warehouse we were looking for.

I haven't rested yet, I've been determined on getting her back. Knowing now that I could even trust my own driver, I will have to talk with the rest of my mafia and workers.

All my focus was on Ella, her and only her. She was my top priority, I was to keep her safe. So far, I know I wasn't doing so well with that.

But I'm willing to make it up to her once I have her back in my arms. I just prayed no one had laid a hand on her, she was mine, not theirs.

"Is that it over there?" Oliver asked, pointing over to a building.

I slowed down and looked over at the building, it was heavily guarded by quite a few men, all armed. Like I said before, this only makes things more fun.

"Looks like it is, what door are we stopping near?" I asked, bringing the car to a stop until I knew where I was going.

Oliver picked up my phone and looked at the messages I had received from Harrison, one of Graysons men. He had originally worked for me, but left for Grayson due to threats he had gotten from him.

"He's coming out of the door, look for him waving."

I nodded and drove closer to the warehouse, looking around for the door he would supposedly be at. I tried to make sure that we wouldn't get spotted during this.

I saw Harrison's hand outside of an open door, that must be it. I parked the car on the side of the road, far enough from the front of the warehouse but close enough to the door they would leave from.

We both jumped out of the car and ran over towards the door Harrison was at, making sure no one could have spotted us from here.

"Glad you guys found us." Harrison said with a smile.

"Where is she, is she okay?" I asked.

"Yes, she seems to be fine so far. We have to hurry and get her out of here before the bidding starts." he answered.

"Bidding, what bidding?" Oliver asked.

"She was going to be put up for auction, sold away to one of the other mafia members."

I was heated but also relieved. I had gotten to her in time, she wasn't going to be sold. I was mad he would pull this shit though, she was only supposed to be bait. I didn't think he was going to fucking sell her.

"I thought you knew about that." Harrison mumbled.

"No, we didn't. But it doesn't matter anyways, how do we get her out of there without any of us plus her being noticed?"

"When they take her back stage, she is going to run over here. Even if you guys get caught, you have a ride. Drive off instantly when you all get in the car."

"Are you coming with us?" Oliver asked, "We really do miss you back home."

"You would really want me back there? Won't that just cause more problems for you guys?" Harrison asked.

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