Chapter 6 - Ella

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"Nicolas, I need you in here!" I screamed from my room.

A few seconds later, Nicolas walked into my room, already dressed for the dinner we were going to with Lucifer and Oliver. I on the other hand was still trying to find something to wear, my hair wasn't even done yet and my makeup was half-assed.

"Jesus Christ, what happened to you?" he joked with a chuckle.

I rolled my eyes, "Haha, very funny, but I really need your help. I don't know what to wear, I can't put anything together."

"Let's see what we have here then.", he began looking around my closet, taking out a few dresses that he liked.

He looked at them and put back some of them, leaving two in his hands. He lifted them up to show me the dresses, giving me two options to chose from. The red one was nice but short, same thing for the black one he picked out.

"So, what do you think about these?" he asked.

"Those are both short, you do know that, right?" I asked him.

"I'm more than aware of the dresses lengths, it might catch Lucifer's attention." he teased. "I think the black one would be the best choice, you're a messy ass eater."

"Not true! I eat like any normal person, if anything, you're the messy eater actually, not me!" I said with a slight laugh.

"Okay okay, you have a fair point. Just put on the dress and fix your hair. What time did he want us outside by?" Nicolas asked while handing me the black dress in his hand, putting the red one back in my closet.

"He said 8:30-9:00 should be good, we have some time left still. Okay, leave so I can put this on!" I slightly yelled, pushing him out my room.

"Could have just given me some time to walk out on my own you know?"

"Yeah well I don't have time, out out!"

After locked the door, I picked up the dress from my bed and gave it one final glance before undressed. I put my clothes on the bed and slipped into the dress, zipping it up in the back.

I looked at myself in the body mirror I had on my bedroom door, I looked so fucking hot. It was shorter than I remembered, but I couldn't change dresses now, I don't have time for it.

I ran over to the bathroom instantly. I picked up the brush and began brushing out my hair, I really didn't need it looking like a mess while I was over there. I added some hair gel and rubbed it in my hair, making it look more decent.

I fixed my makeup, adding a bit of lipstick to my lips. I put on just a bit of blush and fixed my mascara, finally looking more presentable as I looked at myself in the mirror

My phone buzzed, must have been a notification. I picked it up and looked, it was a message from Lucifer.

"We're here, take your time though. Don't rush if you're not ready, we can wait." read the message.

'Already rushing, asshole.' I jokingly thought to myself.

"We will be out in just a second!" I responded and turned of my phone, leaving the bathroom.

"Nicolas, they're waiting for us outside!" I screamed while getting out my room and grabbing my shoes.

"Okay, I have our coats, here you go." he said while handing it to me. I fixed my shoes and grabbed the coat, letting him fix his shoes.

We left the apartment, locking the door behind us. We walked over to the car they said they were in. It was a beautiful black car, very spacious too from the looks of it.

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