Griffindors : Ones with survival instincts of a Dodo

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'You could be a quite a good slytherin' Why 'You know the answer yourself or is it that you want to be a Griffindor? You are quite daring'

"You might belong in Gryffindor,

Where dwell the brave at heart,

Their daring, nerve, and chivalry

Set Gryffindors apart"

No she did not belong in Griffindor. I am daring but I'm survivor. Griffindors have the survival instincts of a dodo. 'Do you think that way? Then SLYTHERIN! '

It would be wrong if Harley said that she didn't not want to be a Griffindor. She did. Sirius had always told her she'd be one. And she had believed it for a while.
But It would also be wrong if Harley said that she did not ever think that she would be a slytherin. She had thought of it. She had asked Sirius what he'd do if she was. He said it wouldn't matter. The sorting hat never makes mistakes. She was a griffindor by blood.

But she wasn't. Griffindors are brave. Her parents were brave. They had stood up to Voldemort even at the cost of their lives. She was not like them. Nothing like them. She wanted to love.

If she was brave as they were she would have tried to stop them from taking Sirius away. But she hadn't. She had hid and cried but she didn't make a sound.

A griffindor would have thrown herself at the dementors. But then she would have been dead.

If she had her wand then she was sure she would have tried. The patronus charm was the first one Sirius taught her. It took her months to produce even a silvery mist. But she would have tried for him. Only if she had a wand.

If she had it then one way or another she would have been with Sirius. Dead or alive. She wouldn't have turned an orphan.

A hand clapped her back.
"Don't look so glum. They say being in Slytherin is very fun. "
"I wasn't sulking "

She had smiled and talked like a winner through out the dinner. She had acted like she belonged. Because she knew no one liked someone who acted like she was forced to be with them. You have to act like you belong in order to actually belong.

And now this girl thinks that she's upset? Harley supposed she should act carefully.

"Didn't say that now, did I?"
"What ever. I was just thinking. "

"Thinking of what? "
"How is that any of your business anyway? "

"Didn't you hear what the prefect said? Slytherins stick together "
At that Harley smiled. The girls clasped each others hands.

"Pansy Parkinson, pleased to meet you "
"Harley Black. The pleasure is mine "

"Black like-

There that question again. Why does everyone have to assume that? True she did steal Sirius's last name but why did every one have to notice? Why did they have to judge?

-the famous Black family? I didn't know that they had a kid our age. Wait does that mean you're Malfoy 's cousin? "

She sounded way too excited about the whole ordeal. Yet Harley found out that she didn't mind. She was about to say no when someone interrupted.

"I don't have any such cousins .Not to my knowledge anyway "

A pale boy with a pointed face and platinum blond hair stood a little away from them, leaning against a couch. His eyes were trained on her .
"I'm the Malfoy you were talking about by the way . Draco Malfoy "

Pansy blushed. Harley did not. He extended a hand to her which she ignored. She looked at Pansy when she replied, ignoring the boy entirely.

"No I'm not from any old family .I'm an orphan "

Neither of them looked at her with pity. Not that she wanted it.

"I suppose you still could be a Black. Like Sirius Black could have.... you know.. Or maybe its Regulus "
Pansy made random gestures with her hand.

Harley shrugged. Regulus was dead way before her birth.
"I don't know and I don't care"
She got up from the couch and walked to the dormitory. She was tired of human interaction.

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