The Yule Ball

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Two very beautiful girls were waiting at the steps when Harry and Ron got there.
Ron recognised the black haired girl as Harley, who was the twin sister of Harry. The other girl, he didn't know.

She was beautiful with glossy brown hair falling down her back in waves. A little braid wrapped around her head like a flower crown and was decorated with tiny black roses. Her eyes were chocolate brown and lined with black eyeliner.

She wore an lavender robes of satin that hugged her body and then flared out from her waist like a gown. The bottom of the robes were embroidered with black roses and thorny vines. Vines were embroideried on the neckline as well. She wore a black lace chocker on her slender neck.

When they came near the girls, Harley scowled at them ,particularly at Ron, but the other girl smiled and waved at them shyly.
"Hi, I'm Anabiel "

Seamus who was coming down after them glanced at the girls.
"Wow! I don't understand how you two get the best looking girls"

The girl called Anabiel blushed while Harley replied with "Random piece of luck" which wasn't loud enough to be heard by anyone other than the four of them.

"You look nice" Harry said awkwardly to Harley as he stood near her wondering what to do.
Ron who had decided to copy Harry said the same to his partner.

Unlike Harley who had simply raised an eyebrow at Harry's compliment, Anabiel blushed at Ron's and replied with "And you look very handsome "

Then another group of Slytherins came up the stairs from the dungeons. Malfoy was in the front wearing robes of Black velvet with a high collar and Pansy Parkinson was clinging to his arm wearing a frilly pink dress robes.

Malfoy, Ron noticed ,was eyeing Harry and his sister rather nastily. He was about to make some remark when Professor Mcgonagal's voice called "Champions, over here please "

And then Harley linked a hand through Harry's elbow and pulled him along. Ron's partner, Anabiel, waved to Pansy, who gave the girl a thumbs up before getting dragged away by Malfoy.


Words couldn't explain how angry he felt when Draco saw Harley with Harry freaking Potter. It was alright if Harley rejected him, really. Even if with her amazing dancing skills and looks , she would've made a much better partner than Parkinson.
But going with Potter? That was too much. She could've gone with any other boy, yet she chose the one boy he hated. Well the one boy he hated the most anyway.

And Harley had looked so gorgeous, in black and gold, that he couldn't tear his eyes away from her and it seems that he wasn't the only one.

Her hair was up in an elaborate bun that looked like a rose, a lock of hair was tucked elegantly behind her ear. She had also done makeup, her slightly pink lips were now ruby red and her eyes were lined with khol and golden eyeliner that shed little bits of light when she blinked.

Her black robes were embroidered with gold, which brought out the gold in her eyes, a golden snake on one side over the part where the robes were pulled close.

Pansy caught him looking at the snake and explained that Harley's father who was a gryffindor got it made to show that he didn't mind that she was slytherin. Draco wondered what was there to mind, when his daughter was the most talented witch in the history of Hogwarts .

Pansy was talking to him again but his eyes were on Harley at she finally sat at the champions table. She smiled politely to everyone but her smile lacked any sort of warmth .But that warmth could be seen whenever she smiled in their common room even if it was a rare sight.

ut even that fake smile was enough to get a couple of guys from Durmstrang ,who never got a chance to see the real one and probably never will , gawping.

Draco would have stared at Harley forever if Pansy had not pocked him with a menu and asked him to order something. Draco apologized for not paying attention to her, because it was terrible manners to ask a girl out and then ignoring her not because he was really sorry.

Pansy to her credit simply shrugged and said that "Well all of you guys looking at Harley like she's a goddess is actually a compliment to me as well, I had done everything that makes her look so mesmerizing "

Draco could however feel that there was definitely something wrong with Pansy response. To his knowledge no girl should be happy about being ignored because of a more beautiful girl. And he asked Pansy exactly that.

"We're friends, dumbass. I don't compete with friends." Pansy said "And don't judge me with those misogynistic thoughts imbedded into your being "

Draco, subtly glanced at Harley again. She was leaning back on her chair, listening to that Weasley who had came in place of Barty Crouch ,her hand holding a goblet with only two fingers like one would hold a wine glass. Draco briefly wondered why she was bothering with that slime ball before he turned back to Pansy again .


Harley listened to Percy Weasley drone about oh so awesome Mr Crouch only for one reason : she wanted to figure out why he put Harry's name in the goblet of fire . Seeing that Harry was distracted looking around the great hall, Harley decided to just ask a little question.

"Can ask a question, Mr Weasley? "She  asked, subtly leaning towards him .
"Of course. And just call me Percy, I'm only a few years senior to you " He said, but Harley could see that he liked being called Mr Weasley. She supposed that perhaps he just liked the feeling of being respected

"If you say so"She smiled at him "So Percy what I wanted to ask is —" Harley almost asked about Crouch but decided that it should be asked once the topic came up again. And Harley had no doubt that it will come up.
"—what is the reason for your success? I mean such a high position in the ministry at such a young age is not normal is it" She asked instead.

Harley watched as Percy's face transformed and his eyes showed pure joy as he started explaining about all his achievements and his hardwork. Harley patiently listened as he talked of cauldrons until he finally got back to Mr. Crouch.

"I never knew that Barty Crouch is so amazing "Harley said hiding the sarcasm that threatened to show "Say Percy what was his full name again? "

"Bartemius Crouch, I —"
"Not Bartemius Crouch Jr? "

"No, definitely not. Why did you ask? "
"Oh, I thought I had seen the name Bartemius Crouch Jr, in a book "

"They must've made a mistake , whoever wrote that book"
"I guess so" Harley shrugged, taking a sip of the cider in her goblet.

So Barty Crouch isn't the one. Now all she has to do is get a full family detail of the Crouches... Perhaps Percy could help. Unfortunately Dumbledore got up from his seat and asked everyone to do the same and the tables were moved to the side to get space.


So hello peeps! ◟( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )◞

First of all, I know this chapter stopped rather abruptly but it got to my usual length so I split it to two.( The second part would be up soon) and that second part in itself is twice as long as this one.

Also, try reading Blind Spot it's a Fred x Cedric's twin fic, and it's sooo good that I binge read it (now I've finished reading till the recent update ) .It is so good that it makes my own fic seem shallow, ig.

Don't ditch me though, this happy go lucky phase would change and the story would have more content, more anguish, and a lot of twists that I've been working on since forever .

PS. How does this ◟( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )◞ look? It's supposed to be a penguin though it can be any bird
fyi ,I love making up new ones of these... Whatever they are.

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