The other schools

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Gideon was pretty exited to see the other schools arrival. Especially that of Durmstrang ,partially because of all the things Draco Malfoy had been telling them these days (According to Malfoy Durmstrang is the best school ever and they'd have the coolest entry) partially or mostly because of Krum.

Victor Krum was from Durmstrang and he was the bestest Quidditch player to exist.

But she would never say that in front of Harley. Harley wanted to be the best. It is true that she, Harley, was good  but Gideon would never say that she was the best. Maybe the best at Hogwarts or maybe the best of their age or even best beater but not the best of the best .

As Gideon was lost in her thoughts, Dumbledore called out from the back row where he stood with the other teachers —
“Aha! Unless I am very much mistaken, the delegation from Beauxbatons approaches!”

“Where?” said many students eagerly, all looking in different directions.
“There!” yelled a sixth year, pointing over the forest.

“It’s a dragon!” shrieked one of the Gryffindor first years, losing her head completely.

Maybe that was to be expected, Griffindors losing their heads that is, not dragons. Definitely not dragons.

Gideon wondered for the nth time why they were placed next to Gryffindors . It wasn't like everyone didn't know how the two houses hated each other, (and with good reason too) .If the two houses broke out in a quarrel, all the effort taken to make them look perfect would go down the drain.

Or maybe it was because of Professor Moody. In his presence no slytherin would dare to step out of line. She remembered how Harley had apologised to her after their first class for not standing up for her.

Gideon didn't blame her. Even she hadn't noticed stood up for herself, why should she expect someone else to? Harley wanted to help her, that was more than enough. And Harley had made a habit of offering quiet support whenever they had to be near the professor.

Speaking of which Harley was right beside her, looking towards the forest with a look of concealed excitement. When she spotted Gideon looking at her ,she quirked up an eyebrow. Gideon turned his eyes back towards the forests with a shrug.

She didn't want Harley to realise that she was thinking about her. More precisely she didn't want Harley to know what she thought of her. It wouldn't do Harley's ego much good to know how much Gideon appreciated her.

Gideon watched the Carriages glide down. Yes that's what it was. Not a dragon


*enter descriptions of the carriages here 😌*

Too lazy to type up all the description when you all already know it 😁😅🙃. ( If you do want the part from someone pov, lemme know. I'll edit. I doubt that anyone would ask though


Gideon wasn't much interested in the students or their principal- Madame Maxime. Not because they weren't impressive but because of the huge horses. It wasn't their size that impressed her either.

They were ✨horses✨
To Gideon, It didn't matter how big or small they were Or the color of their coat- these were palominos, She loved them all.

The fact that these had wings were a huge plus. (though the size could be a minus considering she might accidentally die under it's hooves)

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