The goblet of Fire

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Harley was listening to Pansy and Gideon place bets on who'd be the Hogwarts champion, when Blaise interrupted them.

" I think it'd be Potter "He said, casually throwing an arm around Harley's shoulders.
"Potter, is very much under age " Harley said, shrugging off his arm.

"Yeah, but knowing Potter, he'd always be the center of action " He said. Harley didn't think much of it.

Yet only hours later, Blaise's hunch had proven to be true as Harry was chosen as the fourth champion.
Harley wasn't as surprised as she should have been. Maybe it was the heads up from Zabini, or maybe it was knowing her brother's ability to see out deadly situations.

Yet Harley didn't think that he had meant for it to happen. Harry might be a reckless idiot, but he wasn't crazy for fame. As far as she knew, he had no reason to put his name in. Unlike what everyone around her was saying.


Harry sullenly walked towards the Gryffindor tower , no one seems to trust him. Was anyone except Ron and Hermione going to believe him, or would they all think he'd put himself in for the tournament?

Yet how could anyone think that, when he was facing competitors who'd had three years' more magical education than he had - when he was now facing tasks that not only sounded very dangerous, but which were to be performed in front of hundreds of people?

Yes, he'd thought about it . . . he'd fantasized about it . . . but it had been a joke, really, an idle sort of dream . . . he'd never really, seriously considered entering. . . .

"Harry "Said a familiar voice as got near the marble staircase.
Harley stepped out from the shadows, it was almost as if she had just appeared out of thin air.

"I didn't put it in" Harry said before she could ask.
Harley simply raised an eyebrow.
"I didn't say that you did. "

"Then why were you waiting for me? "
"To talk of course. "

"We hadn't talked for months -"

"-Don't exaggerate it's only been two months since we even came back. And we have talked since then. "
Harley interrupted. Harry continued talking, ignoring her.

"-And now that this happened you've chosen to talk to me? "
"Yes. Because now I have a reason to. I know you didn't put your name. And I know you didn't ask anyone to. But do you have any idea why this happened?"

"Why are you asking? "
"Maybe I'm just bored. Care to entertain me? "

"Well Moody -"
Harry noticed the change in his twin's demeanor when Moody's name was mentioned. He knew that all the slytherins were scared of the professors and was glad. But only now did he realize that his own sister was among all those people he hated and was affected as much as them.

"-Moody thinks that someone powerful had done it. That they must have used confundus charm to make the goblet think that there's four schools and then entered my name under a different schools "

Harley to her credit didn't look much dubious. She seemed to consider the idea, unlike all those people, who didn't even trust Dumbledore himself. Harley seemed to be considering it, even though she hated (yes, Harry knew that) Moody.

"Well I suppose it's plausible. I mean it does seem like the most likely story I've heard so far. If someone had just put your name, the goblet would've evaluated you along with Cedric and only one of you would have been chosen. And that chosen one would probably have been Cedric. "

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