Are they allowed to cuss in heaven?

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"You are dating Zabini ?! " Pansy screeched at Harley who was curled up on her bed

"He's already blabbered about that? " Harley asked calmly looking up from her book. The Felix Felicis had been her hope to help Harry and perhaps to find out about who Barty Crouch Jr was. Now that the potion had failed, she was looking for alternate options.

"Is that a yes? " Pansy asked  again. Harley thought for a moment
"Yes ,it's a yes"

"When did that happen? "
"Last night"
"Why? " Pansy moaned

Why? Probably the lingering effect of that terrible potion. Otherwise there was no real reason for her to kiss Zabini or agree to go out with him. But Harley didn't say that

"I don't know, I guess I just felt bad for the guy? I honestly don't know "

"Seriously Harley? You are going to date every guy you feel bad for? "
"Blaise is a friend. Besides he'll just dump me a little while later when he figures out that I'm no fun"

"He'll dump you alright. But it won't be because you are not fun. It will be because he's had his fun with you . Harley, you have to understand that Zabini thinks of you as a conquest. And once he's done, he'd drop you like hot potato "
"I don't care really . I'm not even interested in being in a relationship with him. It doesn't matter if he ditch me"

"Are you crazy? Where the hell is your feminism? Why are you letting yourself be treated like this? "

Treated like what? Harley wondered . It wasn't like she was some helpless dame.
True ,she kind of felt helpless without her wand but she wasn't actually helpless. She could perform some basic spells without a wand. Like disarming and summoning. Which in a word would be arming herself.

That is if the wand of her enemy didn't reject her. Which it probably would. Even her friend's wands did so why wouldn't her enemy's do the same?

"Pansy, he's treating me fine now. As for the future... Well I'm still the slytherin princess. I can handle it then. " Harley said

"But by then... " Pansy lowered her voice to a whisper "But by then you would lose your virginity "

Is this the same girl who talked of feminism ? Harley wondered. As if virginity defined a woman's worth when it was simply determined by a thin layer of tissue?

Harley only smiled at Pansy
" you can't lose what you don't have ,Pans" she said getting off the bed and walking away, leaving a shocked Pansy behind.


Pansy, sat on Harley's bed long after she left. Harley having already lost her virginity shocked her alright but that wasn't the thing that was bothering her.

Why would Harley date Zabini? He was a nice enough guy but he wasn't half as good as Theo,  not to mention Draco.

Draco and Harley would have made such a good pair, whether it be appearances, social heirachy, or talents,  they were perfect and perfect for each other. They were the slytherin prince and princess for God's sake!

Pansy's only hope of this ship finding a shore was the fact that Harley seemed to have no particular interest in Zabini. And that Draco seemed very very agitated by the turn of events.
One could only hope though.

2 wandless days later
(which consisted entirely of Harley sitting at the back of most classes sulking and sighing every other minute ) 

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