The Heir

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Despite everything going around, Harley was quite happy. She had used  the snake summoning spell and got a beautiful sliver snake with sapphire eyes and little poisonous spike on its tail. And she found out that she was infact a parselmouth.
The pure unadulterated joy she felt when she understood what the snake said was similar to the joy of a mother upon hearing the first words of her child.

And the fact did not remain a secret. Not that she ever thought it should be a secret. She was considered as a kind of princess in slytherin these days. And that made people pretty much sure that she was the heir. The only other suspect was Harry. Which she felt was even more ridiculous.

Malfoy and his two goons had tried to ask her subtly-but-not-so-subtly whether she wanted some help. Both Pansy and Kara were trying extremely hard to be her lackeys, they too wanted to help get rid of the muggleborns. Amidst all this nonsense they had forgotten that the very reason for their quarrel was a few muggle bills.

Gideon was perhaps the only one who did not treat her different which is mainly because he no longer has any reason to suspect her at all. Otherwise, Harley was sure he'd be acting weird too.


The two of them sat in the library . Gideon was trying to do transfiguration homework with Harley's help. Harley was trying to make The Book of Everything and Anything respond to her.

Everything was going fairly well until someone hufflepuffs in their year sat somewhere on the other side of the shelves. They could hear every word they were saying.

Gideon was curious to see them and glanced in between the books.

“So anyway,” a stout boy was saying, “I told Justin to hide up in our dormitory. I mean to say, if Potter’s marked him down as his next victim, it’s best if he keeps a low profile for a while. Of course, Justin’s been waiting for something like this to happen ever since he let slip to Potter he was Muggle-born. Justin actually told him he’d been down for Eton. That’s not the kind of thing you bandy about with Slytherin’s heir on the loose, is it?”

“You definitely think it is Potter, then, Ernie?” said a girl with blonde
pigtails anxiously.

“Hannah,” said the stout boy solemnly, “he’s a Parselmouth. Everyone knows that’s the mark of a Dark wizard. Have you ever heard of a decent one who could talk to snakes? They called Slytherin himself Serpent-tongue.”

"Then what about that Black? I heard she's a parselmouth too." said Hannah uncertainly, "I think it's more likely to be her. I mean she's in slytherin and when ever I see her I get goosebumps while Harry always seems so nice"

Gideon saw that Harley was fuming. She hated gossips but it wasn't normal that she express so much. Then again being called a literal villainess might do that to even the most collected person.

"But no one really saw her speak did they? "Ernie asked "I think the slytherins are feeling ashamed that the slytherins heir is in Griffindor "

"But wouldn't the slytherin's heir be a slytherin? " another boy asked "And even if Black didn't say parseltongue, every one saw how she took that snake right? I mean I shudder just to think of touching a reptile "

Harley kept off the chair and in the blink of an eye she was leaning against the shelf facing the gossiping hufflepuffs.

"I suggest you lower your voice this is the library "
Her voice was colder than usual and silkier. It showed no emotion. The hufflepuffs looked at her in alarm.

"Are you trying to threaten us? We were just saying the truth "
Harley laughed dryly .
"Truth, hmm? "

"Yes. Why don't you admit it, you murderer? You won't be able to get away with it even if you are the Slytherin's ! Dumbledore is definitely stronger than you would ever be"

Hannah was looking into her eyes. Gideon felt like applauding her for holding eye contact for so long. Even Gideon wouldn't do that in Harley's current mood.

"Yeah we are not scared of you." said Ernie "I might tell you that you can trace my family back through nine generations of witches and warlocks and my blood’s as pure as anyone’s, so..."
It was quite apparent that Ernie was the one who was scared the most.

"Why do you do this? " A tiny girl squeezed.

"Because I'm the Slytherin's heir. Deal with it " 
Harley looked every bit as regal as she took of the scrunchie holding her hair in a short ponytail .She ran her hand through it and her hair fell down in a perfect line as usual.

Then she walked off with a flick of wand. As she did a purplish mist appeared and took form of a knight. The form picked up their school bags and walked behind her.
Harley did not look back.


"Why did you say that " Gideon steps in front of Harley ,stopping her from getting into the common room.

"Coz I felt like it. Seriously it's getting so exhausting."
"You shouldn't have. There will be severe consequences "

"I know .It will probably give me more trouble than its worth . But still no regrets. And, yes I admit I'm a bit of a hothead. "
"Not just 'a bit' ."Gideon muttered under his breath. Harley heard him and knew it to be the truth but that doesn't mean she's willing to admit it.

So they remained silent for a while.

"That was cool"
Gideon said, his voice a whisper. Almost as if he didn't really want to say it out loud.
"I know " Harley grinned.

"You were very cool" He liked the slightly mischievous grin on her face and was trying to make it bigger. But it vanished in a flash.

Harley stopped grinning and looked him right in the eye. She looked smug.
"I know that too. "

For the first time Gideon felt assured that Harley was his friend by her choice .

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