The Champion

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Draco was with Vincent and Gregory when three figures appeared through the maze. It had to be Potter and Krum since Fleur Declour and Cedric Diggory had returned long ago but not before shooting red sparks.

When Diggory came after quitting, it had caused quite some commotion. Though Draco didn't know why. But after talking to Diggory, professor Mcgonagal had even wanted to go in, though Dumbledore stopped her. Draco thought that there has to be something extremely dangerous in that maze something that makes dragons seem like child's play.

Or maybe Diggory had said that their Golden boy had some trouble. Since that could make the professors panic too. It would be funny if the boy who lived suddenly died while participating in a competition he wasn't supposed to join ,just because he wanted some extra attention. Though unfortunately , now Draco could see that Potter was alive and well (?)

Draco hoped now, that Potter had quit the task too, because quitting now after all that build up would be much more worse than dying. If he had died, people would have made him a hero, some how.

Draco didn't want to see more of the Potter fans. (It was ,after all ,because of this popularity that Harley had chosen Potter as her partner in the Yule ball despite having better choices —like Draco—at hand )
And which way is better to lose fans than quitting this final task?

But Draco knew it was impossible, Potter always put his neck where it doesn't belong, even if —no, Especially If — it involved risking his neck. So had Potter somehow won this thing? That would be rather disappointing.

Nevertheless Draco moved forward to get a closer look . Potter was dragging an unconscious looking Victor Krum with him. Once out, Potter collapsed dramatically onto his knees . Drama queen. He had streaks of tears down his dirt covered cheeks and there was blood on his torn robes. Why?

People started crowding around Potter and Krum, Drumstrang and most of Hogwarts students had started cheering the moment the duo had appeared and now the Gryffindors seemed to be ready to hoist potter onto their shoulders.

That's when Draco felt that something was terribly wrong. Harry Potter does not cry easily. He was certainly not crying from joy. Draco might not like Potter, but he knew him enough. (Lucius had often told him to keep his enemies closer than his friends)

And those tears they were neither of joy, from winning nor of sadness from loss. It looked like a combination of fear and desperation and relief and something else that Draco couldn't identify.
This is not the kind of face someone who adores publicity would be willing to show the public who wants to see him as a hero. In fact if it were Draco, he would have hidden this kind of raw emotion even from his own eyes.

And Krum. Krum was looking rather pale. And his limbs were oddly placed.  Had Potter accidently attacked Krum?

"Harry... Is Krum... Oh God" a whisper that confirmed that Draco wasn't that only one to notice . Harley was right by his side. And she looked as horrified as he felt. Something is so very wrong.
And that's when Potter started to literally scream for Dumbledore.

Draco realised with a start that Krum was not unconscious or stunned . He was dead. Draco was perhaps one of the first to notice that, since all eyes were on Potter and not Krum.

Draco hated Harry Potter a little more in that moment. Potter had stole thunder from Krum who had sacrificed his life for glory. It was simply cheap. Disgusting.


Harley was relieved when she saw Harry even though she saw his tears, his torn clothes,  that Krum was dead. It was none of her business. He had known what he was getting himself into. Triwizard tournament had a bloody history.

But then she suddenly realised two things.
1) Harry could be blamed for Krum's death since the two other champions were already out
2) They had gone off map together and only one returned. Something serious must have happened in between.

Harley was about to say this to Sirius, but for that she had to find him first. That's when Dumbledore came and Harry announced Voldemort's return. Harry's words caused a ripple in the crowds.
There was shock, disbelief and fear in the murmurs that arose.

And in this unrest Harley found herself stuck , unable to spot anyone. It reminded her of the incident at the World Cup .

Harley's eyes sought out Draco on their own. He was the only familiar face near her. His face was a neutral mask but the pallor of his skin told Harley that he was frightened.
Okay ,so Draco Malfoy believes that Voldemort is back, that has to account for something.

Then her eyes found Karkaroff . Who looked so very frightened and pale and was frantically looking around for something– No. Somebody.

Harley started towards Karkaroff. If she could just figure out who Karkaroff is searching for then maybe then she'll finally figure this out.
As she starts to move she's stopped by a hand clutching on her sleeve.

Harley looks to her side to see an extremely pale Draco clutching onto her sleeve with a grip so strong, he'll probably rip the cloth. Harley was deciding whether to scold him or tease him for being so afraid, but she did neither, because she realized that he wasn't aware that he was doing it.

Harley followed his line of sight to see what had made him so afraid. Draco was no Gryffindor but he's someone who had dared to venture into Moody's office. So what got him so afraid even though he was safe?
Or maybe she should've said who.

Because what Harley saw is Lucius freaking Malfoy. Who abused Draco. Or in Draco's own words 'used Corporeal punishment'. No wonder he's scared.

No thats not it. Draco wouldn't be this afraid just seeing him. No. So what else?

Lucius Malfoy shouldn't be here. Lucius Malfoy who is a deatheater, had seemingly just popped up in a place where someone died at the hands of Voldemort . Lucius Malfoy most probably had just returned after helping Voldemort return, he probably took on Barty Crouch Jr 's mission after he was found out.

Oh joy.

Did Draco realise what she did? Maybe. Or maybe he figured out that it wouldn't look good on Lucius to be here, whatever the reason .
But no one has noticed Lucius Malfoy, despite his unusual hair gleaming like a beacon, in all the chaos. Not even Dumbledore who has hurried off with Harry.

Harry.... He's alright now. At least physically . God knows how he is mentally. But he'll be safe now. He'll be fine later.
Harley realised suddenly that Harry is the champion despite how unlikely an event it had seemed. But no one will remember that in the shadow of the fear. The fear from Voldemort's return.

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