New Apartment

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Harley followed Sirius into what was going to be her home. It was a cool apartment alright, but Sirius was still working on making it a cozy place.

The living room had a gigantic glass window that had a nice view of the Thames. There was a TV with large screen on the wall and black leather holstered couches. The floor was polished wood. There was a fluffy white rug in the middle of the room. The walls were grey and white. The curtains were sheer and creamy white.
Overall it had a posh and modern look. Harley liked it.

The first room Sirius showed her was the library. Yes, they had a library! Harley screeched in excitement before she threw her arms around Sirius, pulling him into a bone crushing hug.
"Whoa pumpkin, are you siriusly trying to kill me? Because you almost succeeded "
"I'm siriusly not. If I wanted you dead, you are a dead man "

Wooden shelves lined the walls but they weren't full, in fact only a fifty or so books were there . All of them from the list she had given him earlier in the year Harley realised.
He had bought every book she had thought of at that moment. Even though she hadn't written it down and had told him only once.

She quietly walked to him and hugged him from behind for a moment before going back to checking the books.
"What was that? "
"It is what it is" Harley said not looking at him at all.

The lack of books in the library was partly solved when Harley pulled out her collection from her trunk (remember , it's charmed to have more space than it seems to have)

The next room they went was the kitchen where Sirius made grilled cheese as Harley sat on the counter sipping apple juice. Then they ate the grilled cheese in the dining room, even though normally neither Harley nor Sirius would care for such formalities.

Harley was sure that the dinning room will be left unused until someone visits after this one meal.

Then there was Sirius's room. It had  floor to ceiling windows on two sides and a gigantic bed in the middle. The view was nice. The Thames and the traffic going below that seemed like tiny toy cars from here.

Harley was sure that Sirius picked this apartment because of these windows. Sirius hated small rooms and felt suffocated in windowless ones.

There was a large wooden wardrobe yet Sirius's clothes were piled on a chair. He also had a full length mirror with fairy lights (the non magical kind) on it.
And there were green plants in white ceramic pot in one corner of the room.

As Harley moved to check the plants, Sirius dragged Harley out of his room and told her to, or more like ordered her to , pick her own room to mess with . Because Sirius didn't trust Harley with plants despite her telling him about her achievements in herbology.
He said that magical plants were more resilient unlike the muggle plants he kept. They'd wilt on too much touching he said. But Harley knew that wasn't the case.

Sirius had always loved plants and Harley, as a child had uprooted many of his beloved phyto–friends. Sirius is yet to forgive her or trust her around his plants. Even after all these years.

Harley was disgruntled but for the sake of maintaining peace, she went out 'obediently'.

There were two rooms with a queen sized bed and nothing else to choose from . One of the rooms had floor to ceiling windows like Sirius's while the other had a normal one with place for a window seat .
Harley chose the later as she wasn't that a big fan of huge ass windows in her bedroom.

Now she had to decorate it to make it feel her own. So next step was shopping.


After two days of hard work, Harley was satisfied with the appearance of her room.
She painted one of the walls black and made the rest a gradient of lavender.
She spellotaped a couple of photos on the black wall and drew a black withered tree on one of the lavender walls.

She carpeted the entire floor in black fluffy carpet. The curtains were black lace. Her bed sheets were white while her duvet was black.

The window seat had lots of cushions of grey and purple and black and white. Besides it she had placed a book shelf.

She had gotten a bedside table above which she had placed a floating lamp that looked like moon. It was a gift from none other than Anabiel Moon.

But the most beautiful thing in the room was none of this. It was the ceiling. Harley had asked Sirius to enchant it to resemble a very starry sky. The constellations moved slowly but the northern star remained in its place. It was also the brightest. Cheesy Sirius.

Sirius also came up with another modification : if one was to think the name of a constellation or star or any significant celestial body while in that room, the said celestial body will light up.

Which meant that the constellation Sirius lit up multiple times a day.

As Harley laid on her bed under the stars that night , with the constellation Sirius occasionally getting lit up when her thoughts randomly came to him, Harley wondered how nice it would've been if there were celestial bodies named after everyone she loved, so that she could watch them light up as she thought of them.

Pity only Sirius and Harley had names like that.

Harley had forgot that there was one other person, who had a constellation with his name (or rather was named after a constellation), who would quite love to be on her thoughts.

I've started writing this on dec14.

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