Ambitious love

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Harley was doing an essay for Pansy, half listening to Draco and Pansy plan what to do with wonderful 'Pottah' with his scar and his broom, when Edgar came back with a letter from Sirius.
Pansy and Draco immediately stopped talking and looked at her.

"Is there any chocolate?" Pansy asked.
Harley checked. There was.

"Yes. But it's mine. " Harley said hugging the small pouch, (which was enchanted to hold more than it looked ) to her chest.

"Oh come on ,we're friends "
"Yeah, that's why I'm writing your transfiguration essay. My chocolates remain mine and mine alone "

Pansy made a face and Harley stuck her tongue out in response. Draco who had never before seen such behavior from Harley looked shocked. But then he regained his composure.

"What does the letter say? "He asked.
"I don't have X-ray vision , in case you haven't noticed yet." Harley said waving the unopened letter at his face. And then she read the letter.

"So? "Pansy asked as soon as Harley dropped the letter on the table.

"Bad new, Pans. It seems like I can't come with you to Hogsmead  this time "
"What! Did Mr Black cancel your permission? Are you grounded? "

"Mr. Black.. " Harley repeated in a soft voice, a faraway look in her eyes .
"Harley is grounded? "Asked Anabiel who came into the room ,just in time to hear the last part .

"Eh, no. It's just that Sirius asked me to go to three broomsticks with him. And Potter. " Harley said with a carefully neutral expression.

"Potter?!! "Draco almost jumped out of his seat. "Why??¿ "
"Well he–" Harley started but was interrupted by Pansy.

"Is Mr. Black setting you up with Potter ?" Pansy asked leaning forward in her seat.

"No, Gods, No!! And why are you looking so exited ? "
"No reason. Are you sure he's not setting you up? "

"Yes very sure. Sirius is Potter's godfather. So he wanted to spend some time with him and he didn't want to leave me out. "

"So you won't be having an understanding with Potter? " Pansy asked looking a bit too disappointed

"An understanding? " Anabiel looked positively puzzled.
"A traditional agreement between a girl and boy to marry , leaving them free to act close with each other without fearing the reprimand of traditional elders" Harley explained patiently "And No I won't be having an understanding with Potter "

Draco, who had been way too quiet for a while ,stood up
"Pity. You would have made a great match" he spat out before storming away.
Leaving three girls looking at his empty seat.
One puzzled, one unbothered, and one with a knowing smile.


Pansy would have loved it if Harley was forced into a formal relationship with Potter, not because she liked Potter, but because Harley seemed very much repulsed by the very idea of dating him.
So Pansy was sure that Harley wouldn't really fall for that scrawny boy.

And Harley being committed, or at least being forced to, would have pushed Draco into asking her out.
And knowing Harley, she would have probably said yes, just to spite the forced understanding.

And then Draco and Harley would actually fall in love, and with that Pansy's mission would be accomplished.

But no. Nothing ever went the way she wanted it to.

Harley Potter and her world famous twinDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora