Potter stinks

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Harry was having a terrible time these days. With most of Hogwarts hating him, Ron ignoring him.... He couldn't concentrate on anything.
He'd even gotten extra homework from Flitwick because he was so terrible at summoning charms. Or maybe it was because the professor hated him.

And they've got double potions. Summer and sunshine.

When he and Hermione arrived at Snape’s dungeon after lunch, they found the Slytherins waiting outside, each and every one of them wearing a large badge on the front of his or her robes.

For one wild moment Harry thought
they were S.P.E.W. badges — then he saw that they all bore the same message, in luminous red letters that burnt brightly in the dimly lit underground passage:


“Like them, Potter?” said Malfoy loudly as Harry approached.
“And this isn’t all they do — look!”
He pressed his badge into his chest, and the message upon it vanished, to be replaced by another one, which glowed green:


Harry noticed that while Harley was wearing one of those badges along with Hermione's SPEW  badge, Harley had not pressed on her badge. When she caught his eye, she gave him a tight smile, as if to tell him that she was really on his side.

She just stood in the shadows as the rest of the Slytherins roared with laughter. There was a boy whose name he didn't remember with her, who also didn't laugh.

“Oh very funny,” Hermione said sarcastically to Pansy Parkinson and her gang of Slytherin girls, who were laughing harder than anyone, “really witty.”

Ron was standing against the wall with Dean and Seamus. He wasn’t laughing, but he wasn’t sticking up for Harry either.
“Want one, Granger?” said Malfoy, holding out a badge to Hermione. “I’ve got loads. But don’t touch my hand, now. I’ve just washed it, you see; don’t
want a Mudblood sliming it up.”

Harley, who had been lurking at back of the group pushed forward and whispered something to Malfoy, who paled a little  at whatever she said. But then he pushed her backwards saying “I don't care about that”

Some of the anger Harry had been feeling for days and days seemed to
burst through a dam in his chest. How dare he insult Hermione and then touch his sister! He had reached for his wand before he’d thought what he was doing. People all around them scrambled out of the way, backing down the corridor.

“Harry!” Hermione said warningly.
“Go on, then, Potter,” Malfoy said quietly, drawing out his own wand.

“Draco, no —”Harley started to say something only to be ignored by both boys. She sighed and pulled out her own wand.

“Moody’s not here to look after you now — do it, if you’ve got the guts —” Draco said his wand casually twirling between his fingers.

For a split second, they—Draco and Harry — looked into each other’s eyes, then, at exactly the same time, both acted.
“Furnunculus!” Harry yelled.
“Densaugeo!” screamed Malfoy.

A green shield appeared between both boys and Harry knew it was Harley's work without seeing. Only, neither boys were in any kind of danger.

Jets of light shot from both wands, hit each other in midair, and ricocheted
off at angles.
Malfoy's spell hit Hermione and Harry's hit Harley square in the face.


ermione whimpered and put her hand to her mouth. Harley flinched a bit as the spell hit her. Then boils started springing on her face. But Harley kept her head lowered so no one could really see them. Then she pointed her wand at herself and flicked it in series of complex movements. And then she looked up.


The way Harley slowly raised her head and looked up after executing the counter jinx sent chills down Draco's back. If looks could kill, Potter would have been dead by now.
Draco would have felt bad for Potter, if he didn't hate him.

"You are so going to pay for this "
Draco laughed. Potter is going to suffer if Harley Black was after him. Harley sent him a look that said that he was also going to pay.

A moment ago Black was acting like some kind of peaceful angel, casting shields and preventing fights . But now, the angel was no where to be seen. There was only vengeance in her eyes. And boy did that look suit her.
Harley fit perfectly into her title of the slytherin princess.

Draco thought of what she had whispered to him before the fight started.
"Be careful Draco. My mom's a muggle born. Use the word mudblood before me again and I'd see just how much mud can be mixed into your blood. I mean literally. I'll make you bleed out "

Draco didn't know what to say to that. He knew in his heart that she would keep her promise , if he pushed her limits ,  no matter how better their relationship had gotten of late. Then he had noticed Potter looking at him and pushed Harley away.
To her credit she understood why he did so. For the sake of appearances. For his reputation


When Snape came, Hermione was the only one who had any semblance of being attacked. Harley was perfectly fine, though her eyes were shooting daggers.
Yet Snape took Draco's word for it and Harry was blamed for cursing Harley.
While Draco went unpunished and Hermione insulted.

Harley, who was boiling over with anger (pun intended), was surprised for a moment at the unfairness.
She couldn't understand this logic. It seemed to Harley that the teachers were the ones mainly responsible for the ever growing hatred between the two houses.



t seemed to Harry that everything he did these days was making everyone hate him. Once Rita Skeeter's article got published, Ron had gotten even more distant.

And Harley, who was so supportive at first, now barely looked at him. Hermione told him to give her some time. Harley according to her held grudges long, unless she got her revenge.

Hermione also told him that the only reason Harley hadn't jinxed him yet was because Hermione had talked her out of it. Harley had apparently made boils erupt all over Malfoy at their common room. Hermione knew because Harley's friend-a boy called Gideon Moon had told her.

But Harry wished if Harley had just jinxed him and got over with it. It was much better than this ignoring.



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