The Trial (Part 2)

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"You are Harley Black the daughter of Sirius Black?"
First question itself was troubling. But she was Sirius's daughter in a way. She certainly considered herself that most times.

"Yes. "She replied, her eyes piercing into the older man's.

"And you believe Sirius Black to be innocent ?"
"I don't believe, I know him to be innocent "

"And how do you know of a thing that happened when you were but a child?"

Harley contemplated the right answer but she felt her insides burning forcing the truth out of her. Fine if they want truth, let them get it. She only wanted to spare their egos a bit.

"Because I'm not a fool" Implying that they were .Harley continued. "Besides if the victim is alive, then the accused can't be a murderer, right? "

"By victim you mean ...."
"Peter Pettigrew. "

Just those two words created a ripple in the crowd. The wizard asked another question trying to control the situation.

"Are you saying that no one died? Is it that you consider muggles unworthy of being called victims? "

"No. The real and only victims are muggles . What I'm saying is that no one died at the hands of Sirius Black. Two wizards were confirmed to be present at the scene of crime. One was thought to be dead and thus the other was claimed to be the culprit. But what if the other is alive too? "

"What makes you believe that he is alive? "
"My senses? I've seen and heard Pettigrew. He admitted to his crimes as well. "

"What proof do you have? "
"You already know what proof. I had submitted the request to consider it long ago. Memories. Mine and some others. "

"Very well let us proceed to examine the evidence "


Getting her memories checked was not at all like what Harley thought. It was not someone looking through her mind. Instead of ruffling through them, picking whatever they wished, they asked her to think of what she wanted to share. To bring the thoughts forward the same way one might do to get their memory removed.

Then they took a copy of the memory out of her, in the form of the silvery semi liquid thread and poured it to the pool. Which acted like a huge pensieve  or maybe it was more like a TV. Because instead of pulling the viewer into it, it simply showed them the things she saw. Nothing more, nothing less.

Harley watched that night unfold around her. She couldn't see anything clearly though. Maybe that's why those people stayed so up high. To get a clear view once her memory was displayed.

She had managed to not give away the part where she told Harry her identity. Besides that everything else was as it was. People gasped and some even shrieked when they saw Pettigrew transforming.
That's nice. Perhaps they believe her now.

After that Harley was told that they will conduct a discussion and the verdict would be announced in the evening. Until then she had the option to stay in the ministry by herself or to go back along with her professor.

Harley chose the former. She would return with Sirius and only with him. It didn't matter what the verdict was. If she was accused she'd help him break out. Harley absolutely will not leave without him.

Harley waited alone in the small white windowless room, furnished only with a chair and a small bed. It seemed like a prison cell. Maybe it was built for that purpose.

The questions that were in the back of her mind took the spotlight in the absence of anything else to preoccupy her. Was Sirius living in a room like this? Or was it worse? Had he been tortured? We're there dementors with him?

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