The boy by the fireplace

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Harley couldn't sleep no matter how hard she tried. Every time she slipped out of consciousness, she saw images of Roan. Roan smiling, Roan laughing, Roan crying covered in bruises, Roan weeping against her chest, Roan lying dead..

Every emotion suppressed by the potion during the day came back twice as intense in the night. Emotions rampaging through her like a typhoon, leaving her to be a wreck by the morning.

Harley felt like a horrible friend .It was because of her Roan had died. She wished she was more brave back then. It's the second time her cowardly nature cost her someone she loved. At least with Sirius it was reversible.

But with Roan... Harley knew Necromancy existed. And with the book of everything and anything in her possession, she could easily find methods. But...No!

Only the cowards think of bringing the dead back to the living. She had did enough. She had more than enough regret. Maybe she'll regret not doing it for the rest of her life, but... She shouldn't.
Death is there for a reason Harley. To bring someone back from their rest is utmost cruelty. Be brave Harley. Be brave for once in your life.

Yet Harley could hardly resist the temptation of the book under her pillow. But she held herself back. For Sirius. For her loved ones who are still alive. Not that there were many or that they cared for her.

She reached for her nightstand for a book but the only book in her immediate surroundings was the book of anything and everything . Right she had left the other books at the common room.

She got out of the bed with a sigh. She may not be sleepy but she didn't really want to get out of her bed. Harley pushed her feet into the cute rainbow slippers that did not match with her simple grey pajamas or her emotional state.

When she got to the common room though, it wasn't empty like she thought. Someone was on the couch facing the floor to ceiling window to the black lake. But it was pitch black at night. So she was pretty sure whoever it was, was simply thinking or dozing off .

Only one of the four fireplaces had Fire. The light from it fell on the blond hair ,making it seem like gold. The person was Draco. And he had her book in his hands, though he wasn't reading it.

When Harley got closer, she could see the malencholy in his eyes. And pain. What exactly could make the vicious Draco Malfoy to have this expression, she did not know. Perhaps she should find out . That might distract her from her own pain.

At that moment Draco noticed her presence .He looked startled for a moment before he settled back down. Then he extended the book towards her.

"You read? "He asked
"No. I'm illiterate " She rolled her eyes.

Gideon Moon is definitely a bad influence. Draco's lips twitched. Either he was suppressing a smile or trying to muster one . Harley felt that it was the later.

He looked very miserable. It may not be that obvious anyone but to Harley, who's used to seeing people in the most wretched states of their lives, it was fairly easy to spot.

"Are you alright? "
"Miss stone heart worried for me? "

"I'm not stone hearted, Malfoy "
Though I wish I was. Harley thought as she sat beside the boy who was watching her. If I were I wouldn't have had to learn to make potions for controlling emotions

"You are bothered by something " He put it as a statement. Harley wondered if she looked that miserable. It was one thing for Gideon to notice, but if even Malfoy did... No. None of the others felt anything.

"And I thought you lacked empathy " Harley laughed. It sounded hollow and fake even to her own ears.

"Can you not insult me for a while? "
"Sorry, bad habit .Cut that ....just habit"

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