For you

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"Drink this before you enter the maze" Harley said, Pushing a vial and a note into Harry's hand before striding away.

Harley, who seemingly appeared out of nowhere, had suddenly pulled him into a dark corner , as he was making his way to the common room from the great hall. Harley didn't tell him anything about whatever it was, probably because an explanation was written on the note.
But it was unnecessary. He didn't need a note to know that whatever was in the vial , was a potion and that it was to help him with the last task, which was going to happen the day after tomorrow .

He didn't need to know, because he would do what she told him anyway. Because, he, Harry trusted his sister with all his heart .


Harley's mind was going a hundred miles a minute when she got back to her common room. She wanted the marauder's map. She had to get it from Moody before the task. It was obvious to her by now that Harry will not take the initiative to get it back . Harley had to think of something, fast.

"Join us, Harley!! " Shouted Pansy before Harley even placed a foot inside.
Pretty much every one of the Slytherin fourth years were sitting in a circle in the common room. They appeared to be in the middle of a game.

Harley almost declined but then thought better of it. She too needed to relax a little .
So she sat down on the couch nearest to the fire place, next to Theodore. Blaise immediately got up from his seat and sat next to her.

"So what are you guys playing? " Harley asked while conjuring up a couple of cushions for herself
"Truth or Dare!! " Pansy exclaimed

"Seriously? Do you only know that one game? "
" Then how about kiss marry kill? "

"God NO. Anything but that. Please just carry on with your extremely imaginative and stress relieving game"
"Sure! I was about give a dare to Draco, but since you are apparently so imaginative, you could give him the dare" Pansy said after a moment's pause. Harley was sure that she was calculating something.

"Can I ask him to do anything? " Harley asked after thinking for a moment, there was a glint in her eyes which went unnoticed by Pansy but sent a shiver down everyone else's spine.

"Yep" Pansy said

"Okay then. Draco, go to Moody's office and retrieve a sheet of paper from there. It is.... "
"Hey! I didn't tell you that you could send him on a suicide mission!! " Pansy interrupted Harley before she could detail.

"You told me I could ask anything."
"It is the unsaid rule that you don't dare anyone to kill themselves like that!"

Pansy sighed dramatically "I suppose I'm the only qualified dare giver present. Oookay Draco! I dare you to kiss the most attractive person in this room. And no you can't kiss a mirror " Pansy added giving a side way glance to Harley.

Draco glanced once at Harley and lowered his eyes, "Not fair, Pansy. Give me something else "
"Nope. You have to do this one " Pansy smiled like a devil.

Draco sighed and got up. "May I?"
He asked, standing a step away from Harley.
Blaise got in between the two of them in a blink. "She's taken, you idiot! "He said puffing up his chest
"It doesn't matter, you buffoon!! It's a fucking dare" Pansy said, pulling Blaise away by his ear.

Draco looked at Harley once again "So, can I? " His voice was dull, hopeless. If one didn't know the situation, they'd think that the dare was just to kiss Harley and only her when he actually could have chosen anyone. But it wasn't really a ch

"No" Harley said firmly, before adding "And Pansy, you should stop with this kind of question "

"Or what? "Pansy challenged
"Or nothing. I'd either hex you or just leave, whatever I feel like doing "

The rest of the game went rather uneventfully, with Pansy asking rather lame and boring questions.


"Hey Harley " Draco called , walking faster than normal to catch up with her but not fast enough to look desperate.
Harley didn't even so much as glance at his direction.

"Harley wait!" Draco grabbed her wrist. Harley finally looked at him, but it was not the kind of look that gave butterflies, but the kind that burned through the soul. He let go of her hand faster than he took it.
"It'd only take a minute, just hear me out for once"

Harley sighed "Go ahead. You have exactly sixty seconds "
"The dare you were going to give me, I'd do it... if you will forgive me for my impudence " he mumbled the last part

"What? "
"I'll retrieve whatever you wanted from Moody's office. You just have to describe it to me "
Harley gave him a long look before shrugging.
"Deal" She said before walking away, giving him no more attention .


It was nearing midnight and Harley was alone in the Slytherin common room. Blaise was with her an hour ago but had left for bed. And Harley was waiting for Draco who had left to get the Marauder's map for her.

Harley knew she was being rather tough on Draco but she couldn't say that she didn't enjoyed it at all . Perhaps she should have simply told him that she's forgiven him considering how much he apologized. But she also wanted to see how far he would go for her.

She was sure now that Draco liked her with how he was ready to go to Moody's office, which was something Harley herself was afraid to do.

She wondered what would happen if Draco got caught by Moody. Nothing good of course.

She guilty enough as it is knowing that she's taking advantage of his feelings when she already has a boyfriend . If Draco got in trouble for it...

But on the other hand if he did get the map... Then she'd feel even more guilty.

Harley groaned in frustration. Maybe she should just go and make Draco return. She didn't need the Marauders map. Harry would do just fine with the Felix Felicis.
It was one thing to risk herself for Harry. But Draco... He was her friend and had no such obligation .

Harley closed the book, whose page she hadn't even turned once, and got up, deciding to head out and fetch Draco back.

As Harley opened the door and stepped out someone collided with her, making her fall back. Harley about to hex whoever it was, stopped when she saw the face of the person.

He was drenched in sweat and panting hard. Harley felt like laughing. She had worried for nothing .

He hastily scrambled up and unceremoniously pulled Harley up to her feet ,instantly making her frown

But before she could say anything, he pulled her inside the common room and closed the door behind them.

"What the hell Dra-"
"Moody" Draco said , still panting
"He is - not Moody - almost got - caught "

"Wait what? Moody is not Moody? "
"Lemme -just catch -my- breath"
"Right ,of course. Take your time"

Draco stood hands on his slightly bent knees breathing hard. Harley wondered whether this was simply from running or if Draco had gotten a panic attack from almost getting caught. That could explain why said that Moody is not Moody.

Finally Draco stood upright. Harley who was about to ask him to explain, paused when she saw what he was getting out from his pocket.

"Is this it? "He asked, finally looking at Harley with eyes full of anxiety .
In his hand was a piece dirty blank parchment paper. The marauders map. Harley nodded stupefied for a moment .

Draco sighed in relief. Then he got on his knees and offered her the map with both hands, the way a knight might present his sword.
"For you my lady"

Harley finally laughed, picking up the map from his outstretched hands. Draco grinned up at her.
"Am I forgiven now? "

"Yes" Harley said with a smile, helping Draco back to his feet.

Harley Potter and her world famous twinWhere stories live. Discover now